Cold Weather Use


New member
I just want to let everyone know that this smoker works fantastic in cold weather. I emailed Steve before I bought my model #2  and was assured it would work fine. I am no pro by any means at smoking but am learning lots as I go along. Today doing some country style ribs for probably my 5th smoke in couple months. Outside temp has been anywhere from 0f to minus 10f.It has held temp around 215 all day long and at times even a bit higher. I live in North Dakota and my spare time to use this is in winter and I am not disappointed at all. I have smoked salmon, turkey, chicken, pork ribs and it has worked very well. My advice to anyone interested in buying is also buy the cart to go with it. I did and it works nice to roll in and out of the weather when not in use.

Anyone interested in anymore advice if any can email me

Hi Dano!  Glad to hear you're having good success in the great white north!  ;)  When you have time, throw something up on the Introductions section to tell us about yourself.  And remember....we love pictures of good Q!  I look forward to your input here!
Hi Dano,

Welcome!  Based on your name I'm from your area, as I'm North Dakota raised farm kid now working in the tech world for many years.

I agree, these smokers work awesome even in cold weather.  Most of my smokes have been made during below zero temps with no problems at all keeping up.  The only thing is the power cord is pretty stiff compared to those blue or yellow ones they sell up here for cold weather.  Yes us northerners sometimes need to plug in our non-hybrid cars to help loosen up that motor oil...  I might change it out on the smoker, but that is a job for warmer time of the year.

For anyone concerned or worried about using the smoker in cold frigid weather, you may want to look into one of the hot water heater insulating blankets. They are pretty much heat/fire proof and may increase efficiency.  R-value is around 5, not much but may be sufficient.  The one caveat which is obvious is to not block the air flow at the bottom and top.