Cold smoke, an explanation please


New member
This is a new one on me. How do you cold smoke? Surely there has to be heat to create smoke in the first place?
Cold smoking is the process of smoking with very little heat, just enough to get and maintain smoke. You posted in the correct area so the best advice I can give is to do a lot of reading of the posts for the techniques our members use.  I am strictly a hot smoker so I don't have any experience to share.  Good luck!
I just did my first cold smoke process last week on a pork belly and it turned out great bacon. Ended up giving too much away so I am curing another belly right now for another smoke. I did a lot of research on this site and you can pick up a lot of tips by reviewing other posts under the "Cold Smoking" and "Bacon" topics. There are a number of ways to cold smoke and the one I used was from a tip from a SI regular poster named "Pork Belly".. He just suggested you can turn up your smoker (in my case a 3-D) to a high temp to get the wood chips going in the fire box. Then insert the pork belly and set the smoker to 100. I ended up cold smoking the pork belly for 2.5 hours (can go longer if you want). This process works well in cooler weather (below 40-50 degrees) and since I live in Wisc. it works well for me.

There is another process where you can buy a separate SI Cold/Smoke plate and insert above the firebox to help keep heat from rising to the meat/cheese etc. Appears most folks will put ice or frozen water bottles above the smoke plate to help keep the internal temps below 100. The last process I picked up from the forum is some folks use a product from a company called A-MAZ-N where you put saw dust or pellets in containers and light them for making smoke in the box. I may buy one of these products in the future and try a cold smoke with them. Seems like a good option if I ever want to smoke during warmer months here in Wisc..(we get three of those a year  8)) Assume some more seasoned SI users will give you their feedback.
I hear good things about that Pork Belly guy....

Glad your bacon turned out, but don't be shy about smoking longer. If the ambient weather temp is warm or hot keep the smoke sessions short. Cool the meat in the fridge for 8 or more hours then smoke for another 2-2.5 or so. In cold weather let it run eight hours, no worries. To me bacon and jerky can never be too smokey.
Brian;  I will probably cold smoke my next belly for 4-5 hours. I did have good smoke flavor with the 2.5 hours so I expect even more smokey goodness at 5 hours.. Appreciate your tips on these various threads and topics
I use an Amazen  smoker for my cold smokes.  I use sawdust.  It performs great on cheese and bacon.  The bacon I smoke for about 4 hours and let it rest overnight in the fridge.  The next day I smoke for another 4 hours.  I really like the way it turns out. 
If i could figure how to do pics here. Smoke my bellies at least 20 hrs., 6 to 8 # apiece Hanging in a diy smoker. After smoke, hang in dedicated fridge for a week or so till I can slice and vac seal. Good luck.