Clod X 2


New member
I got up early this morning to trim the 2 beef clods and get them ready of brine.  The fat cap side just gets a hair cut and the bottom side has all the silver skin removed. The meat will brine for about 8 to 9 hours and then I will inject it, apply rub and into the smoker late this afternoon.  I'm projecting 20+ hours in the smoker at 225 degrees, looking for an internal temp of around 185 this time. 



There are 2 of these going into the smoker tonight.  One of them was 21 pounds and change and the other was just over 20 pounds. 
SuperDave said:
There are 2 of these going into the smoker tonight.  One of them was 21 pounds and change and the other was just over 20 pounds.

I thought I made a lot of food, if you don't mind me asking, what are you planning to do with 40lbs. of meat?

My church is having a summer bbq event tomorrow evening.  My pastor asked me if I'd do some of the meat so this is my contribution.  A couple of the other guys that know their way around a smoker are doing the pork butts.  There should be some good smoked meat. 
Can't wait to see how this turns out Dave! Wish I could find a clod around here but all of my regular go to guys don't have it.  :(
One of my friends couldn't find it either and asked the butcher at his local super market if he had ever heard of it.  The guy told him that they get meat deliveries multiple times a week and the longest he would have to wait for one would be 4 days.  He would simply order one for him if he wanted one. 
Please post the time it takes to hit that temp. I am trying to figure out the time for larger cuts of meat and there seems to be a big range,

Looks good so far.
Rod, this will be the first time I've ever gone to sleep at night with something in the smoker so it will be interesting to see when it happens. 
It cooked a lot quicker than I thought it would.  It took 15 hours to get to 182 and passed the doneness test with the toothpick.  It looks amazing.


What coincidentally was the midpoint of the cook I decided to pan the meat but leave uncovered for the remainder of the cook. That resulted in saving a lot of those drippings.  I'm a little worried about what will happen to my quality trying to hold them all day at 140 - 145 but Pork Belly tells me that it is possible, so I've got my fingers crossed. 
Ohio1956 said:
Looks great, From reading I would have thought it would have been around twenty hours.
yep, I was hoping it would have been close to an hour per pound but the muscle tissue in these cuts must not be too bad.  Now I'm learning about keeping it warm for a very extended period of time. 
I got a little bit by my decision to try and keep the meat warm all day since it finished so much earlier than I had anticipated.  The meat retained moisture but lost some texture which meant that I had to go with a pull/chop instead of a slice like I really wanted.  Next time I think I'll let it cool fully and just do a quick warm before serving.  Taste results were still very good. 


