Clean up


New member
How detailed do I need to be in cleaning up the smoker after a smoke? I'm throwing out old foil from bottom and on top of wood box, cleaning off the racks, and wiping down the sides. That's it. Do I need to do more?
I just use scalding hot water as a wipe down and law out new foil. I started after every smoke but have gotten pretty lazy, I average about five or six smokes between clean up.
Nope, that's about all that you need to do.  I wipe the bottom with paper towels just to wipe up any moisture that might have gotten under the foil.  Maybe once every couple of months, I will run the side racks through the dishwasher, but that's about it.
You have it down pat, Danny!  That's all I do.  In fact, I only wipe the sides down about every 3 or 4 smokes.  My main concern is the grease that finds its way under the bottom foil, and making sure the drain/air hole is nice and clean.  Shelves and guides take a ride in the dishwasher, and come out great.