Chuck Roast for pulled sandwiches


New member
I have a 3lb chuck roast that I am going to smoke, using some hickory and cherry wood. I will set the smoker for a temp. of 235. Will inject it with some beef broth and then mustard and a rub on both sides and edges, letting it get happy in the fridge over night. Will cook to an internal temp. of 195 and check for tenderness. When toothpick tender will pull out double wrap in foil and heavy towel and let it rest in a cooler for about 1 hour. Then pull for sandwiches. Does this sound about right as could not find much info on the site for chuck roasts for pulling... Also have heard when the roast hits 160 degrees or the stall some will wrap in foil and put back in the smoker until IT of 195 degrees. Seems like I read here is not good to wrap in foil in the SI?
whether to wrap or not is a personal choice with most embracing the lazy q style.  You'll get better bark by not wrapping and won't see much, if any, difference in moistness by wrapping.  What wrapping will do (though I don't think so much on a 3.5 lb chunk of meat) is lessen the stall time.

Personally, I don't open the door on anything until at least one piece of meat is done (then it's a quick pull and close the door).
Thanks Steve, seems like I did read somewhere to leave it until it hits IT of 195. I think is pretty much like doing  brisket. Not sure what time will put on as it is rather small. But I get most of my meat at Sam's Club on North Oak Trfy. Have a great weekend and thanks again.
A lot of the lazy Q folks are so committed to it that they won't let themselves do anything else.  Not all meat cooks up the same.  Chuck can dry out very easily and that's why most people cook it as pot roast with gravy and vegetables.  Braising with some liquid is how chuck cooks best, IMO. 
And normally that is how I do it also, I have the pan my Mom used to cook roasts with. And I normally will brown it first then, make a rue add some more seasonings and water to about half to three quarters. Put the lid on and pop it in the oven at 250 degrees. At 2 hours would turn it and add more water if needed. Also would cook with carrots celery and potatoes and instead of onions I use onion powder in the spices. But, thought would try smoking it and then pulling it for sandwiches along with baked beans and coleslaw.
Question Dave, do you finish it in your smokin-it smoker or bring it in the house to finish in the oven? I was thinking of putting it in a foil pan and back in the smoker as trying not to heat up the house... Supposed to be 90 + degrees here tomorrow... Was going to do the beans and roast in the smoker. What do you suggest as very new at this... :-\
Bill, you have choices. Beans and roast would go in the smoker for 2 hours together. At this point, the beans are done. If it is too hot to turn on the oven, finish roast in the smoker. If it is too hot to go outside, finish in the oven.
Was up at 4:00 am, programed the ET-732 for a high temp. of 205. Put the beans in and also the chuck, I did use the smoker probe just for kicks and it is in the back at the top shelf. And put the meat probe half way in a thick part of the roast. Closed the little guy up, put temp control on 235 and back to bed. This morning when I got up around 9:30 was setting with an IT of 174. Now it is at 180. I used a little over 5 oz of wood consisting of oak, cherry and hickory. It smells really wonderful on my back porch. Also the injection I used was beef broth. And I did a rub of John Henry's pecan rub. If it gets done early can I double wrap it and put it back in the smoker at 140? Will this soften the bark? Or should just do the rest period and then pull it. As looking to eat around 5:30pm. I can always warm up in the micro wave.
Yes if its done early you can wrap and put back in the the smoker at 140. I don't really think you will notice any difference in the bark.

Make sure to let rest in a cooler with towels for at least 1 hour before dinner!


Well Dave on my front porch now is 86 degrees but there is a pretty good south wind humidity is still off the charts. Heat index is supposed to be 106 today. Hopefully the rain will hold of some to let things dry a little. Since I my CLL Chronic lymphocytic leukemia hit me last November I have not been the same. But, my blood levels are back to normal. Just can't do the heat like I used to. So will finish in the smoker. I pulled the beans and they were great not real soupy and had a nice flavor to them. Thanks again for the help.
Thanks Greg, don't you know if I would have waited to put it in at 9:00 am rather than 4:30 am would have been a long smoke. How was your trip, that sandwich looked awesome. I had trouble with the bark on the ribs I did but had left them in the smoker not foiled for over an hour after they were done. And the bark turned to mush and came of when I cut the ribs. But, my Dad said his was great and the bark did not come off. So lesson learned.
elkins20 said:
Thanks Greg, don't you know if I would have waited to put it in at 9:00 am rather than 4:30 am would have been a long smoke. How was your trip, that sandwich looked awesome. I had trouble with the bark on the ribs I did but had left them in the smoker not foiled for over an hour after they were done. And the bark turned to mush and came of when I cut the ribs. But, my Dad said his was great and the bark did not come off. So lesson learned.

Hey Bill,

I am still in New Orleans for one more day and then home for a few weeks. I really enjoy the food here, but it's a big burger for lunch today!

Hey Greg, I used to drive semi's over the road for a little while. I had made a delivery in Louisiana not sure of the city. But, was leaving and headed for Texas and seen a little restaurant the parking lot was empty so pulled in. And had a creole soup that had everything in it. Then they brought me the main course. When I left was stuffed to the gills. Enjoy your burger, I will be having baked beans, pulled beef and coleslaw. I am going to follow your advise and wrap the roast and put back in the smoker at 140 until 2:00 pm then will rest until 3:00pm pull it apart and head to Mass(Church) Be safe on your trip home.
Hey Bill,

Yea I am ready to get back home and do some smoking. I had dinner at one of Emeril's restaurants here in New Orleans and I have something new I am going to try on the smoker!

Hey Greg, the sea food down there is phenomenal especially the boiled shrimp. And you know it is fresh since they are so close to the bay. Just a bit to warm and humid. Roast is resting in the smoker, pinched a little off and has a great taste. I think it will make good sandwiches, but not going to share this with my Dad. He said he is having chili tonight.
Out of the rest period of one hour, I did had 2 tbls of worcestershire sauce and 2 tbls of water mixed and poured around the edges of the roast. It had plenty of moister when shredding it. And the taste would out of this world. Will be doing this again. Thanks everyone for your patience and help...