Christmas Wish


New member
Howdy from the Lone Star State! Seasoned my #1 within two days of receiving her (like most epic equipment, most definitely a "her"  ;D ). Christened with 5 lbs of chicken breast. Have a freezer full of hog, deer and beef destined for great things! My heart's set on some venison meat treats for Christmas Day. Any thoughts/suggestions welcomed. Looking forward to learning and smokin' with y'all!!
Welcome for Louisiana, a lot of good  advise and suggestions on the forum, look under whats cooking
MC1960 - Thanks! Have fond memories of my mom bonking a gator on the nose for trying to steal our chicken while crabbing.

Hank R - Appreciate that! Enjoyed an epic vacation in Alberta. First time to walk on a bog.
So you're a meat eating Plant, eh?  :)  Welcome to the family.  I'm in Garland, so we're possibly neighbors unless you're on the other side of the country... er, state.
Welcome from the Hudson Valley. As I have a friend who took 5 deer off my property, I have a freezer full of Thank You cuts. Looking forward to hearing about your experiments.