Chicken Jerky


New member
I have had a request for chicken jerky. Plan is to smoke at 175 for 2 hours. Need to make sure chicken is cooked. Then down to 150 until dry.

But need a good marinade, dry rub, brine....

Any suggestions?


Hmm...Not sure about chicken jerky, but I'd sure think you need a curing brine, just to be safe.  I also don't think you want to "cook" it - the cure should kill any bacteria in it, so you can low-temp smoke/dry it.
That's what I thought but all of the recipes I have seen says to get the chick to 165 (#3 to 175). I also plan to use a instacure #1.

My thinking is consistent with your reply. I just wanted to see if anyone else had done it.

I was just looking at this.

I believe...
The words CHICKEN & JERKY should never be used together.

Why you would want to run the gauntlet of Salmonella issues is a mystery to me. Lean beef is not expensive and is pretty healthy.
Good point. A friend mentioned it and I began to research it. When I found turkey jerky at the store, I dug a bit deeper. The common thing was to make sure the chicken got to 165 minimum (cooked) then dry it.

I figured I'd ask the brain trust here.

May still try it but will marinade the chicken with instacure #1, then raise temp to 170, then dry it. Keep in fridge.

Will let you all know if I actually go through with it.

As always, thanks for the feedback!
