Chicago Deep Dish

RG 2.0

New member
My Wife made us a Chicago Pizza for dinner. I have to find ways to keep this girl happy! If she ever realizes I've outkicked my coverage, I'm screwed :P






Hard to see what's on there but it's about a pound of cheese, sausage (sassidge), pepperoni, home made sauce and a sprinkling of Parmesan. Good GREAT stuff!

After spending most of Saturday cooking and prepping for the Super Bowl guests we will be having on Sunday I didn't figure she'd want to make this, it takes a while to prepare but when I saw her start to make the dough at about 2:00 I knew what she was up to ;) We don't make these often, maybe twice a year, but man alive is it good!
Looks great Jason! I've made Chicago deep in a cast iron skillet before and it turned out pretty good.

Chicago deep dish done right is my absolute favorite.  Can I talk you out of your crust recipe for that?

SuperDave said:
Chicago deep dish done right is my absolute favorite.  Can I talk you out of your crust recipe for that?

Indeed! It's not mine, just one we use and it works well for us. The only thing we do different is doctor the sauce to our liking and instead of using shredded cheese, we use low moisture fresh mozzarella sliced and we use close to a pound. We used to make it per the directions in the recipe I am about to post but found it's simply not enough cheese to duplicate what a Chicago pie has. Last tip I can offer is to use a spring form pan, make things MUCH easier. Easy to remove and cut versus using a pie pan or cast iron pan and it really lets you build it high like it needs to be ;)
RG said:
SuperDave said:
Chicago deep dish done right is my absolute favorite.  Can I talk you out of your crust recipe for that?

Indeed! It's not mine, just one we use and it works well for us. The only thing we do different is doctor the sauce to our liking and instead of using shredded cheese, we use low moisture fresh mozzarella sliced and we use close to a pound. We used to make it per the directions in the recipe I am about to post but found it's simply not enough cheese to duplicate what a Chicago pie has. Last tip I can offer is to use a spring form pan, make things MUCH easier. Easy to remove and cut versus using a pie pan or cast iron pan and it really lets you build it high like it needs to be ;)

The hardest part about Chicago deep dish is getting the flaky, layered, buttery, pie crust like dough. I have never quite perfected it yet, and I had not seen that "exact" recipe yet, so sounds like something I need to try.
I will say this, recipes are fine but it's all about execution! My brother, for example, can take a recipe and still not get it right! I shared with him my Brunswick Stew recipe after he bugged me for it for years. He began making it and said that it tasted like mine. I went to visit him and he had made it and wanted me to try it. I told him that I was sure that it tasted like mine and my nephew was standing behind him looking at me shaking his "NO" and smiling, lol. He was right. It tasted NOTHING like mine and to make matters worse, he would feed it to people and tell them it was "My bother's recipe". I had to tell him as nice as I could to stop calling it my recipe and to call it "His" recipe, lol.

We have made many versions of this pizza and have found this one to be darn near perfect. The crust is right. We don't proof it like the recipe calls for as I find that a little weird (read and you'll see) but we proof it on top of a hot stove or in the oven on proof mode. So, there are minor variance but if you follow that recipe for the most part, I think you'll find it's what you're looking for!
I know what you mean. When someone asks me for a recipe, I find myself typing up 3 pages of detailed instructions. I always put my own little twist on everything, so I'm worried that because I rarely follow a recipe exactly (except for the first time) and make so many of my own little adjustments, theirs will never turn out like mine. Don't worry, if the pizza crust turns out like crap, I'll be sure to tell everyone where I got the recipe! ;D
Meatball said:
Brunswick stew would taste amazing with some smoke on it... not the bottled stuff!

I use smoked meat in it so it's plenty smokey! I actually have some in the freezer, might have me a bowl this week sometime.