Cheese on the #2


New member
We are finally cooling down in Colorado so I decided to smoke some cheese. I picked a variety of Gouda, Mozzarella, Farmers, and Sharp White Cheddar for some variety. I used 1 7/8 oz of sugar maple in the #2 with the cold smoke plate and a Pyrex dish with frozen water in it on top of that. I set the Auber to 260 deg for 12 minutes, 0 deg for 48 minutes and then 260 deg for 18 minutes and 0 deg 42 minutes. Classic cold smoke method. The box temp only got to 80 deg at the end of the last cycle so I was pleased with that. Haven't tasted it yet because I want the smoke to settle a little but it really turned out great. Since I was cold smoking I followed up with salmon but that is a different post.  :)


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Your cheese looks really good. Gouda has become my favorite smoked cheese even though I do still really like a nice aged cheddar.

Let us know how it tastes after a rest period.
Hey Greg, I finally tasted mine. I may lighten my wood amount a little. Maybe 1.5 oz next time. It is really good though. I am also considering trying my Am-a-zin smoker again but will have to get some chips. I had a hard time keeping it lit at our altitude.  :o
BedouinBob said:
Hey Greg, I finally tasted mine. I may lighten my wood amount a little. Maybe 1.5 oz next time. It is really good though. I am also considering trying my Am-a-zin smoker again but will have to get some chips. I had a hard time keeping it lit at our altitude.  :o

How long did you rest? I usually smoke 3-4 hours and my cheese is edible after 2-3 weeks, but perfect after 4 weeks.

In a perfect world, we would set up an extended pipe/duct type conveyance where our smoke could travel before entering the smoke box which reduces the heat and also loses a lot of the creosote that causes the need for the extended rest time. But, I don't really have the time or energy to implement this type of system at this point. Someday, I may make a dedicated cold smoke box where I have my cold smoker (A-MAZE-N) in a Mailbox or some other non-flammable box type mod below my deck with a Wooden Cold Smoke box on the top of my deck with a stove pipe to take the smoke up to the smoker box with the cheese in it. I have seen people on other sites doing this and then be able to eat their cheese right out of the smoker after a 4-hour smoke without requiring a rest period.
Interesting idea Greg on the cold smoker. I tasted some Gouda that I did about 2 weeks ago. It is mellowing but I think the smoke might still be a little strong. I have the other ones in the freezer. Not sure if they will mellow there. I am going to pull one for a get together this weekend.
I wouldn't recommend freezing your smoked cheese. The texture will change for the worse and I don't think it will mellow as much or if at all in the fridge. I store all of my smoked cheese (vacuum-packed) in my fridge.

Don't give up on your cheese if it is too smoky at two weeks. You will be very surprised how much better it tastes after a month.