Checking Maverick Probe Accuracy


New member
After about 1 1/2 years my probes started reading via the ice water test +5 in port 1 and +7 in port 2. For consistency I always place my probes in the same ports although not always using both of them.
I found these waterproof probes on Amazon
After I received them I checked them again using Ice Water. They were outside of the accuracy range for the ET-733. Thinking that I may have a problem with the transmitter I called Maverick and explained what I was experiencing and the first thing that the Customer Rep. told me was that the Ice Water test was not the most accurate method for checking the probes. Maverick uses boiling water preferably adjusted using Barometric pressure and or Altitude. I found the following calculator on line.
Using both pressure and altitude I ran the tests and both of the new probes read 112 degrees. I then used this method to check the old probes and they both were with in the accuracy range for the 733. (port 1 was 111 and port 2 was 113) close enough for what we do. As the saying goes....your never too old to learn some thing new.
This may be old news for some but I thought I'd share it.
As an aside Maverick will sell just a transmitter.

I've done both, and really thought it was "6 of one, half-dozen of the other," so that's good info, Al.  Thanks!
I've always done both tests, but rely more on the boiling water test, because 212 degrees is closer to my finished meat temp (the temp that counts) than 32 degrees. So I'm most interested in the accuracy at the upper end. According to the calculator, the boiling point of water for Madison WI right now is 210.689 (if I did that right).
DivotMaker said:
I've done both, and really thought it was "6 of one, half-dozen of the other," so that's good info, Al.  Thanks!
Same with me. I always used ice water because it was easier.
SconnieQ said:
I've always done both tests, but rely more on the boiling water test, because 212 degrees is closer to my finished meat temp (the temp that counts) than 32 degrees. So I'm most interested in the accuracy at the upper end. According to the calculator, the boiling point of water for Madison WI right now is 210.689 (if I did that right).
I used this site to get the elevation for Madison, WI.......
And came up with 210.471 so your in the ball park. I did notice that other sites had different values for elevation. I used the Weatherbug App on my phone set to my location and it gives the Barometric Pressure adjusted for the weather conditions in real time. If you use the current pressure it will give you the most accurate measurement.
