Carrying Handles for my Model 2


New member
Hello Everyone.  I just put a pork butt in my Model 2 and it made me think about joining up on this forum.  You folks have it goin' on!

So here's my first question:  Have any of you installed carrying handles on your smokers?  I live in the LA area and frequently go out to my friend's house in the desert.  (Its a middle of nowhere kind of place in Landers, CA).  Sometimes, I take my Model 2 out there with me so we can smoke while we drink beer.  The problem I have is loading and unloading the Model 2 into my 4WD truck.  Without handles, this is pretty much a two person job and sometimes I don't have another guy around to help me.  I know that if I could install some flip out handles on the side of my smoker, I could easily get it into my truck by myself.

As a plus, the handles would also act as tie-down attachment points for a stable ride out to the desert.

Thanks for your help.

Hi Cam - welcome to the club!  Here's a link to the handles thread:

A lot of these type questions have been discussed on the forum.  You can use the search box to see if there's an answer to your questions on here.

Take a minute to post something in the Introductions section to tell us about yourself.  Hang out often, and here's to many happy smokes with your #2!
I read something a few weeks ago about this topic.  I believe Ben was looking into recessing handles as a possibility for the future.  A home modification should be relatively simple but would probably void any warranty.  The solution I would lean toward would be a set of lifting straps like these "".
Thanks for the "Handle" thread.  Don't those "forearm forklifts" take two people to perform the lift?  I think I'll take a shot at installing handles myself.  I'll see what kind of handles they have at Home Depot next time I'm there.  When I do the mod, I'll post some pictures.