Can I do two 8 pound butts in a 1?


New member
Hey everyone, I just got my model one two weeks ago. Did a 8lb butt last week that was awesome, and have 3 racks of baby backs in now with the "no peak method". I am super stoked for the ribs and happy with my purchase.

Anyways to the point of my post. I am going to do two eight pound-ish butts for a graduation open house in a couple weeks. When I did my single butt last week I thought there looked to be enough room, but as I am lurking around the forum tonight I am beginning to doubt that.

I would love to do both at the same time, but don't want to overload it. It's not the end of the world if I have to split them up, I just need to plan for it. That's why I am posting now. Anybody on here do 2 at the same time? Any advice would be appreciated.

BillyLrsn, welcome from SE Arizona.  Head on over to the intro section and let us know a little about yourself.  As to being able to smoke 2 butts in the Model 1, they should fit. Therefore you should be ok, but in for a long smoke.  But that is a lot of meat mass.    How long did your first butt smoke/cook?  What temp?  Hopefully some folks with the Model 1 will come along and chime in with their experience.
Thanks for the Reply sarge. 1st butt took about 12.5 hours at 235...but was a 40 degree evening here in Minnesota that night so I had it turned up a little more and I think it actually ran a little hot. Never really saw a stall in the meat temp, took it out at 198.

A long smoke is not a problem for me, but if you think I would get better results just doing one at a time I can do that. I am smoking them the weekend before the event anyways. My plan was to smoke them, sweat 'em for an hour, pull the meat, and then vacuum seal.

I am just not well versed in the "overload" term with the smoker, and did not want to plan on doing two at once only to find it doesn't work while in the process.

You might be able to cram 2 that big in a #1, but I never could.  Too limited, vertically.  It's not the weight, it's the volume.  The bottom butt would be really close to the top of the smoke box, and would likely overcook on the bottom side.  You would be better-off doing them separate, and saving for later.  If I save a whole butt, I double-wrap in foil, let cool awhile, and then vacuum seal the package.  You can reheat by removing the butt, still in the foil, from the vac bag, and let sit in a crock pot for 3-4 hours on low.  When you unwrap and pull the pork, it's just like the day it was smoked!
Okay thanks Divot. I'll do them separate.

Now onto what you said about saving the butt. I am going to save both of them for the event which is a week later. I was going to pull the meat, vacuum seal and freeze to reheat in crock pots on the day of. Does you method involve freezing the whole butt? Or any suggestions?
I do them both ways, but I've found freezing the whole butt takes less space, and the meat seems to be more like "first day fresh" when you pull them after reheating.  When you heat a whole one, foil-wrapped, it has all the juice in the package! ;)
Okay divot sounds good.

Last question sorry if it's dumb, but was your 3-4 hours on low in crock from frozen? Thanks for the advice.
I like to pull mine right out of the cooler after the rest period, portion, and then into to vacuum bag. The main reason is that I use these packs is for quick meals and I don't want to mess with pulling the meat. I just put my thawed vacuum sealed bag in a large pot of simmering water for 30 minutes or so and it is ready to go. I've not done this with a frozen pack, but I bet you could. It would just take longer.
BillyLrsn said:
Okay divot sounds good.

Last question sorry if it's dumb, but was your 3-4 hours on low in crock from frozen? Thanks for the advice.

Nah... Let them thaw for a couple of days, in the fridge, then reheat in the crock pot.  If you vac-seal them, and are serving the next weekend, I'd just keep them in the fridge (vs. freezing for 3-4 days).  They'll be fine.