Butt Cuts


New member
7 lb Boston Butt one from wally world in the smoker now. (smithfield brand)

The smokinglicious wood seems to be burning pretty fine.

Sorry for no pics, but was knee deep in mustard and rub.

Quick ??? for the butt cut 'perts.  This Smithfield seemed to have a pretty large end bone and an extra side bottom cut flap with inside membrane.  (opposite the bone on bottom side) 

I tried pulling off membrane, then rubbed inside of that cavity. 

Its sitting fat cap up, we'll see when it hits 195 sometime tomorrow.

Was brined for 12 hours or so.  Probe is in the flap end away from the bone.
John, all of the butts I buy are as you described.  That is a joint between two different muscles.  For Boston butts, I actually trim almost all of the external fat, and trim as much of the connective tissue out of the fold.  I don't try to pull it all out, just trim the bigger pieces of tissue.  I add mustard and rub inside the fold.  I then smoke it with the flap-side down.

My reasoning for trimming external fat is this:  First, there is plenty of internal fat inside a Boston butt, so a thick fat cap is not needed at all to help with moisture in the meat (like on a brisket).  Secondly, if you brine, the fat cap inhibits the brine penetration.  I used to leave the fat cap intact, but soon realized that it is totally unnecessary.
Crap, I left most of it on (fat).  This will be a fatty little pulled piggy.

Thanks for the info. 

I'll add again, this smokinlicious wood is doing a great easy burn.  I've done enough of this to tell some good wood.
