Burnt skin


New member
Smoked two chicken halves.  Chicken was fine, but ended up with a black bark crust. Maybe it was the mustard and rub combo. ?
Also early in smoke I had what I call a smoke explosion. Lots of smoke out the hole and door. Only lasted a few seconds. Maybe too much wood chunks.
Belching is caused by the wood gasses combusting in box. Do you have charcoal left over in wood box or only ashes.
The one time I had a black skin was when I used too much wood and ti caught on fire.
I don't think the belch charred the skin.  Most likely it was a combination of rub and smoke.
I agree with Old Sarge -- the combustion issue usually happens in the first heating cycle and my guess is that the fire is extinguished quickly with the strong exhale of smoke.  When I have experienced this, the belch occurs and then I return to normal smoke - always on the first heating cycle.    Did you have the chickens too close to the wood box (I try not to use the lowest rack)?  I don't know how much wood you used, but my bet would be the rub mixture.