Brisket taking to long


New member
Hi guys! I have a SI2 with the Auber system which has the permanent mounted probe. I started a 7 lbs flat brisket this morning at 7 am planning on eating at 4:30-5. Which a 7 lbs should only take about 7-8 hrs right? Well it's been on for 8 hrs and its still only to 162. Is there something wrong with my settings? Is there something wrong with my smoker? It seems like it always takes longer than what it should. My Auber settings are- CO1-225 CO2-140 EO1-F EO2-T FO1-195 tO2-4.0. Thanks for any input!
Doesn't sound too long to me. I always plan on 1-1/2 to 2 hours per pound. That's what mine always seem to take at 225 anyway. Then you need to allow for a couple hours resting if you want it to be really moist and tender.
74, your settings look OK.  Gregg's right, especially on smaller cuts (believe it or not, 7 lbs is right on the line of a "small" cut).  I tried to smoke a 4 lb corned beef flat one time, an it took 11 hours!!

I never smoke flats, so I'm no expert on timing for them.  With full packers, I normally see 1 - 1.5 hrs/pound.  Always allow on the high side of time; you can always rest it in the cooler, double-wrapped in HD foil, with towels covering it.

Are you using any drip pans in the smoker?
DivotMaker said:
74, your settings look OK.  Gregg's right, especially on smaller cuts (believe it or not, 7 lbs is right on the line of a "small" cut).  I tried to smoke a 4 lb corned beef flat one time, an it took 11 hours!!

I never smoke flats, so I'm no expert on timing for them.  With full packers, I normally see 1 - 1.5 hrs/pound.  Always allow on the high side of time; you can always rest it in the cooler, double-wrapped in HD foil, with towels covering it.

Are you using any drip pans in the smoker?

Is your drip pan on the floor of the smoker next to the wood box? Or is it on a rack above the wood box? And Tony, did Gregg comment on this post? LOL
74redone said:
It's on the grate above it. Is this a problem?

Yeah. Your loaf pan should be sitting on the floor of the smoker, snugged right up against the side of the smoke box. Anything directly above the smoke box will act as a heat sink, and block the heat from the meat, directing the heat around the outside, and up through the top of the smoker, causing your smoking time to be much longer than what you see typical times to be on this forum. Your meat should be fine as long as you let it get up to temp, but it will take much longer. Unless you really need to capture the drippings, the meat should be placed directly on a rack, with no pans on racks below.

Either way, I still think 1 hour per pound is not enough time, so I think your brisket is not taking too long.
He he. Thanks for the credit Tony, even though undeserved on this one. :P

Kari, I think you nailed the problem and I would have posted the same.
Just wanted to say thanks guys! Now that you explained it it makes perfect sense. I just told my wife I need to smoke something now! Lol