Brisket Smoking Clarification


New member
I have a 3D and about to attempt smoking my first brisket (13 lbs.).  I have read everything on the forum and am left with one question.  Everyone seems to recommend wrapping the brisket when it reaches approximately 160 deg.  When I do this, do I leave the probe in the meat and continue to let the system keep displaying internal temperature or do I go "manual" and keep opening the unit to check with an instant thermometer?
Welcome to the forum from SE Arizona. I cannot speak for anyone but me but I do not wrap until the brisket hits 190/200 degrees internal. Then it is double wrapped in foil then a heavy towel and allowed to rest in a cooler till serving time. I also smoke at 225. Here is one of my briskets:

There are other posts from other members.  Hopefully those who wrap early will be around to help you out.
I don't find the need to wrap with these smokers, but even if I did, I would leave my probes in until the IT target tells me it's time to probe. When they probe like butter, I will remove my probes, the hunk of goodness, and then I double wrap like Dave for the rest period. As the other Dave said, use it! Congrats on #1 of many many more. It's going to be AWESOME!
DV, there are many here that never foil wrap mid smoke. With respect to brisket, I’ve gotten to where I wrap mid smoke on briskets that are less than prime and let them go full duration without wrapping if they are prime.
We each have our own way to put a "signature" on a full packer brisket and it really does vary ...

I'll wrap mine in pink butcher paper at 165 or hour 8 which ever comes first and reinsert probes, close the box up and go till 198/200. I tend to use more wood than most for a heavy smoke bark earlier and then let it mellow in the moist wrap. I also only use oak for brisket which is pretty much a Texas tradition.

Different woods and smoking techniques vary across our great land and that's what makes it all so fun.
DV said:
Everyone seems to recommend wrapping the brisket when it reaches approximately 160 deg.

Not everyone...  I won't even touch the door after closing it until I get an IT of at least 190 on both the point and the flat.  Haven't had a bad brisket yet and I typically just do 'select' quality.  I always brine, though.