Brisket size comparison....


New member
12.5lb far left. 16.2lb to the right of that. 20.3lbs right of that.... then 3 year old.


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Hey Aaron, looks like you struck gold on the briskets? I would put one of those bad boys on this weekend if I was you. The other day went to Restaurant Depot to get some ribs and BB. This was Monday afternoon, they were completely out of BB. And just a few of the choice grade briskets. But, did find a package of St. Louis style ribs. I want to get a couple more full slabs and cut them down to have meat to smoke to add to my beans when I bake them.
I would do one this weekend.. but I just did a flat on Sunday. The wife got nervous because I only had one brisket in the freezer, and a lot of the local places don't carry brisket year round, only for holidays. We have a local-ish Costco that has briskets year round, but they only carry flats. So, with labor day coming up, she told me to stock up. I hit the local butcher and bought him out of every one he had. I think for the 20 pounder, I'll have to either cut it in half, or fold the end of the flat.

For this weekend, I've got 3 racks of St Louis cut ribs waiting in the fridge.
gregbooras said:

The briskets should smoke just fine, not sure about the 3 year old :)


That's my sous chef. He always wants to help daddy with things on the smoker. I can't wait until my 3 month old is around 3-4 years old... then, John will be six, and I'll have 2 awesome helpers.
Awesome pic, Aaron!!  I like that a lot! ;D  That 20-pounder is a monster!  About 17 is the largest I've ever found.
Hey Aaron, I am sure others have asked you this, but don't you have a Sam's club or restaurant depot close by where you live? I seen choice briskets at RD for $2.79 a pound. But, just had a few going back tomorrow to see if they have stocked up also want to get a couple of BB but may head over to Sam's for them.
The closest Sam's Club is in Roanoke, about 2 hours south. I think there is a Restaurant Depot in Richmond, two hours east of here.

I've got a Costco 20 minutes north in Harrisonburg, or a Costco 40 minutes east in Charlottesville. Or, the butcher shop I got these at is 4 blocks away. His prices aren't bad...  Not in the 2 dollar range like you're saying, but he normally goes 4.39/lb. Which is actually cheaper than Costco, who just sells flats for $5.40/lb.
Heck Aaron, in driving the 4 hrs. what you save on the price of meat you would eat up in gas. Sounds like you have a good deal that the butcher shop. Or maybe just make a trip to restaurant depot a couple of times a month.
Yeah, my car isn't exactly what you'd call good on gas, and it only drinks premium..... so any cost savings on the meat would have to be rather substantial to make traveling to get it worthwhile. I do travel a lot for work though, and I tend to carry a cooler when I travel to pick up out of market beer... so adding a few briskets to the cooler wouldn't be out of the question.