Brisket question for you experts....


New member
When I smoke a brisket, it is always done (to finish temp) quicker than recipes or other advice say it will be.  I see references to 8 to 10 to 12 hour smoke times for brisket.  Im always at temp in half that time or less (using a digital temp probe that is reliable).  Havent poisoned anyone yet, briskets are always good, but explain to me why I should leave it longer, and generally what makes the difference between performance and expectations Im seeing? 
At what temp are you smoking at and is that temp accurate?  To what internal temp are targeting?  What weight brisket and grade are you using?  More information will be helpful. Are you still using a model 1? 
Same questions. How many pounds? And is it a flat or point? At what temperature are you smoking? 8-12 hours smoking time is for a whole packer brisket, which range from 10-16+ pounds. If you are buying a flat from a grocery store, these are usually under 5 pounds and have been over-trimmed of pretty much all of their fat. They cook fast, but can be dry.
Ive done both costco packers and grocery store trimmed.  Dont have a specific smoke to analyze this time, my question is more generic, but I understand now that a whole takes longest.  But even with a whole, I have never seen a "stall".  Temp seems to routinely rise gradually to done.  Any thoughts on why this might be happening?  Sorry for the lack of detail, but still appreciate your comments.
smythe said:
Ive done both costco packers and grocery store trimmed.  Dont have a specific smoke to analyze this time, my question is more generic, but I understand now that a whole takes longest.  But even with a whole, I have never seen a "stall".  Temp seems to routinely rise gradually to done.  Any thoughts on why this might be happening?  Sorry for the lack of detail, but still appreciate your comments.
My speculation would be that you are using a Prime brisket or smoking on the hot side. 
If you season then smoke ten briskets of similar size, at the same time and temp not all ten react the same. Six will be perfect, 2 will be slightly under done and 2 will be just about over done.

You may bot notice this because your smoking one at a time and get 5 or 6 perfect ones in a row. I smoke piles of meat and the variation is obvious. They all cook up differently, the trick is to stay consistent in your method. If you are constantly changing your technique you have no way of knowing what is affecting the final product.

Personally I sleep through any stall that may happen. I put them on at 12 noon, 216 degrees and take them out at 0600. Sixteen hours of cooking, the first 8 with smoke.
Pork Belly said:
If you season then smoke ten briskets of similar size, at the same time and temp not all ten react the same. Six will be perfect, 2 will be slightly under done and 2 will be just about over done.

You may bot notice this because your smoking one at a time and get 5 or 6 perfect ones in a row. I smoke piles of meat and the variation is obvious. They all cook up differently, the trick is to stay consistent in your method. If you are constantly changing your technique you have no way of knowing what is affecting the final product.

Personally I sleep through any stall that may happen. I put them on at 12 noon, 216 degrees and take them out at 0600. Sixteen hours of cooking, the first 8 with smoke.
18 hours?
Lazy Q or not, at some point you have to be vigilant and actually check the meat for proper doneness. 
Lazy Q or not, at some point you have to be vigilant and actually check the meat for proper doneness.

Experience tells me otherwise, They will either be done, perfectly done or "would have been perfect and hour ago" I don't make bad brisket. I make freaking awesome brisket. There are a few members here that have eaten it.
Pork Belly said:
Lazy Q or not, at some point you have to be vigilant and actually check the meat for proper doneness.

Experience tells me otherwise, They will either be done, perfectly done or "would have been perfect and hour ago" I don't make bad brisket. I make freaking awesome brisket. There are a few members here that have eaten it.
Why would you be okay with, "it would have been perfect an hour ago"?