Brisket - Point and Flat 15 degree swing


New member
Morning folks and happy Easter.  Only my second full Brisket.  Trimmed up a 14lb packer and threw her in the #2 last night.  This morning I have the flat at 190 with the point at 175.  I've repositioned the probes and still get the same thing.  I did notice that the flat looked a little thin and the point was a little bulbous.  Don't think I did such a great job picking the brisket.  Anyhow, I've has success going to about 203ish.  I figured I'd seperate the flat and pull it at 203 leaving the point to finish doing it's thing.  Any thoughts on that.  Do I just let it ride until the point comes up to temp.  Was thinking I could split the difference and let the flat go a little over and the point go a little under.  Leaning toward separating but figured I'd check in on the collective wisdom for this one.
So the point is making a remarkable comeback.  Now there's only a 9 degree swing.  So with that, combined with me being lazy, I will likely just split the difference and let it finish out whole.
It is not uncommon for the thinner and leaner flat to come to temp quicker.  Relax and enjoy.
At the end of the day both the point and flat came to temperature (202,205 respectively) at the same time.  Probed a little easier on the point than the flat.  Decided to pull, wrap, and cooler even so.  We'll see in about 4 hours.

Enjoy the day folks.
I’m sure your patience was rewarded!

What kind of rub did you go with for the brisket? Hope everyone enjoyed it!
My smoker consistently runs hotter toward the rear of the smoker, so I always put the thicker end of my ribs (point for brisket) to the back of my smoker and that typically allows for the most even temps in the end. It is weird how different the temps can be throughout the smoke, but invariably in the end they almost always come back together.