Brisket in 2D. Any guidance is appreciated (RESULTS ADDED)

Vining Dawg

New member
I've read a ton of threads and the opinion spread is wide on multiple variables.  I had one go lightning fast one time due to more than likely touching the probe.  I've got a 15# prime packer from Costco and I don't want a repeat of that, but second shelf from the top would nearly block it entirely from the heat source, potentially affecting a correct reading, and that seems to be the preferred spot.

What rack do I use in the 2D?  I'm afraid the second from the top will shield the internal box probe and cause it to cook to high. is this a legit concern?

Going to go very minimal fat trim
S+P with a touch of garlic powder and ground coffee.
Prime cut so no injection or Brine
225 for hopefully 14-18 hours more than likely due to brisket being trimmed from 15 to 13-14lbs.
Start the box cold with cold meat at 7PM Saturday for a pull late Sunday morning to mid afternoon at the latest (14-18 HOURS).  I like a 2+ hour FTC rest minimum.

Do I sound like I'm head in the right direction? I will include pics for others to learn from my process if this does in fact work out. Any guidance is GREATLY appreciated.
So here's how it went.

Trimmed it from 15 down to probably around 13.5.  From the drip pan and box remnants that was ok. Tons of fat left.

Did a light french's yellow mustard rub. 3 Tbsp maybe, S&P based rube with a little garlic powder, onion powder and some carne asada seasoning I found back in the corner. I then dusted some of the fat trimmings and laid them over the flat.  Being a prime I did not brine and no injection.

I scored that cap in 1 inch squares and put it fat side DOWN on the MIDDLE shelf in order to give the internal ambient box probe room to breathe and be as accurate as it could with such a big piece in there.  I'm sure the slightly lower shelf contributed to shortening the cook time.  Point on the door side and flat towards the back as close to the door always seems a touch hotter.  Added a loaf water pan next to the box as well.

225 finished in 13 hours.  5PM in and pulled at 6AM next day. Flat and point were at 194 and 195 respectively. VERY giggly. I was happy. Probes went in and out of all areas like butter.

Hit it with a 1/4 cup beef stock and FTC for 5.5 hours. I would have preferred 3-4 but it finished earlier than I thought. No worries though.

Flat was a touch dry for the first 2 inches and then really loosened up. The point was welll.... on point.



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Sorry I missed your first post.  It appears you did everything spot on.  As for the dry flat, they make great burnt ends. 