Brisket Flat


New member
I picked up a 4.5 pound Brisket flat at Costco this afternoon. I'm trying to figure out when to start it in my SI#2.  I'd like it ready to serve at 3:00 tomorrow afternoon. It seems if I start it tonight, even late, that it will finish way early. I'm concerned if I start it in the am, it won't be ready in time.
I'll also be trying to time out a rack of St Louis ribs to be ready at the same time.

Your guidance is greatly appreciated...

Greetings, I can't offer any advise, just the best of luck! I am doing my first brisket flat in my #2 tomorrow. After reading a LOT I am thinking 1 1/2 hours per pound is the best guess. Nearly everyone says foiling/wrapping in towels after the desired temperature is reached (most say around 190) will keep it hot for at least a couple hours. There are thousands of online tips about times.
Good luck with your brisket mrgoose.
I ended up putting the brisket and ribs in at 8:00 am yesterday. I pulled the ribs at 5 hours, foiled them and into the cooler. My brisket stalled at 164 for hours. I pulled it at 192 after seven hours and wrapped it and in the cooler for about an hour. The ribs were to die for. The brisket was good, however I wished I pulled it earlier. Next time I'm going to try 185.
You can try wrapping after five hours and then take to 195. Depending on temp, i smoke brisket at 250. This method works well for me.
Greetings, my brisket turned out good, but I actually liked if for sandwiches the next few days better. Microwave for 11 seconds on each side, add mayo & bread (wish fresh tomatoes were here in Kansas now). Quite tasty.
Found a good deal at Kroger yesterday, July 4th.  Found a choice brisket outdated by 1 day.  Weighed 12 lbs, original price was $41, discounted by 50% and finally down to $9, so I quickly picked it up.
Brined for 9 hours, rinsed and put a rub of Famous Dave's rub on, wrapped up and put in fridge for 3 hours.  Took it out at of the fridge at 11 p.m. and put in my 3D.
I set up the sequence for 200 degrees for 5 hours, then 225 degrees until the meat probe hit 195, then set box temp at 160 for 4 hours or until I was able to pull it at 1 p.m.  The box temp was down to 161 and meat probe temp was at 178 so probably took about 13 hours.
Also, I foiled the brisket when it hit 160 degrees at the 8 hour point and put the brisket back in the 3D for the remainder of the smoke.  I used about 2 oz of hickory and 1 oz of cherry. 
After pulling the brisket after 13 hours, still foiled, I wrapped in two large towels and put it in a Coleman cooler for 4 hours.  Honestly, this is the tastiest and most moist brisket I have smoked in almost 1 year of the Smokin-It family!  I truly believe by pulling the foiled meat and putting it in a cooler with blankets wrapped around it makes a HUGE difference.  I've read about that here on the forum but first time I've actually tried it.  Brisket for diner tonight, and many nights after that too ;>))


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Fantastic, Carl!  Glad you finally tried the wrapped rest!  It is SUCH a critical part to a great brisket or pork butt! 
es1025 said:
You can try wrapping after five hours and then take to 195. Depending on temp, i smoke brisket at 250. This method works well for me.
Just reviewing a few things about briskets you are saying that you set your smoker temp at 250 Correct and wrap it in foil after five hours until done or ...............