Brisket finished to late to eat. How did I properly store it for tomorrow help!


New member
I put brisket in the smoker this morning at 5 am.  It is now 7:12 and the brisket temp is 180.  I am not going to be saving the brisket for tomorrow because it has gotten late.  If I am saving the brisket for tomorrow do I slice it tonight after resting for two hours or do I keep it whole in foil and put it in the fridge for tomorrow.  If the answer is to keep it whole how should I reheat it tomorrow?

If it's too big for a crock pot, you could put the foil-wrapped brisket in the smoker @ 250 until the internal temp hits 140.  Should be nice and warm, and won't cook anymore.  Suppose you could also do that in the oven, too!