Brisket differently

I just got back from the Dr. and we always talk smoking. I had told him about what a great brisket I had gotten at COSTCO and he told me that his partner (a doctor also) buys a packer and regardless of the date on the package, leaves it in the fridge for 30 days. He said it smells a little when you open it, but it yields the best brisket ever and keep in mind this is from a Dr.
Your thoughts please.
Another board i frequent, many of the people wet age the briskets. Some longer than 30 days you mention. One of the guys has even dry aged a brisket with Umai bags. He really likes the wet aging process, says the same thing your MD says, great flavor and good texture.

I have not tried this, but it does interest me.
Thanks for the feedback. I think I will try it also and will post the results to this thread when I do. If you try it before me, please post also.