Brisket, Costco or Sam's


New member
Brisket, Costco or Sam's: I have access to both and I have read a lot on the SI Forum about Costco briskets but not about Sam's. Can anyone vouch for Sam's brisket as they currently have "Prime" packers in stock while my local Costco only has Choice Flats.
I always get my bone-in butts at Sam's and I know that DivotMaker shops there but regretfully he has been inactive for some time. Hopefully he is alright and will join us again very soon.
I don't have a Costco very close to me, and have (2) Sam's Club warehouses within 20 miles, so I buy Sam's Club Prime Brisket, and have absolutely noticed a better outcome when using their Prime grade briskets versus any other choice.  The brisket doesn't dry out, and at 3.49/lb, I think it's a fair price and good selection usually.

That being said, I did pop in to a Costco when I was traveling on business, and their Prime brisket selection was just plain beautiful.  I'm not sure you can go wrong either way.

I use SAMS regularly. I have also cooked one from COSTCO. No difference in briskets as long as the grade us the same.
OK, thanks Jody & Walt. Good to hear as for some reason my local Costco seldom has Packer Prime briskets but Sam's does.
Thanks again  :)
Prime is a government standard not a store standard. If they are both selling "Prime" they are both good meat. Although if one was Prime Angus and the other was Prime I would by Prime Angus.
Go to whichever one has Prime. It varies by what part of the country you are in. My Costco always has Prime, unless there is a national shortage. Sam's used to only have Choice around here, but I don't know now, they might also have Prime.
SconnieQ said:
Go to whichever one has Prime. It varies by what part of the country you are in. My Costco always has Prime, unless there is a national shortage. Sam's used to only have Choice around here, but I don't know now, they might also have Prime.
Thanks Brian and Kari, USDA does the grading so it stands to reason there should be no difference between stores so I'll be buying at Sam's I guess because the local Costco only has choice flats. Sam's is a bit farther away and I will probable check Restaurant Depot also (even further).
Thanks all  8)