Brisket burgers


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Just curious considering i was watching the Today show this morning which had a holiday cooking segment on Brisket Burgers where you take a whole Brisket having your Butcher grind it up into Hamburg consistency which i thought might be very tasty if done in the Smoker . Has anyone ever tried this ? 
I do brisket burgers, but do them by mixing in cooked brisket with ground beef.  Works like a charm...  I did a thread on it here somewhere..
What you see in the grocery store labeled as "ground beef" is seriously "mystery meat", which can include trimmings from anywhere on the animal. Unfortunately because it is often hastily trimmed, and considered a pure profit product, it can include tiny bits of hard cartilage and bone. And bloody veiny things. Yuck. Ground meats labeled "ground chuck" or "ground sirloin" are at least a step above in letting you know where the trimmings came from. The exception is ground round, which is too lean, tends to be livery in flavor, and cooks up firm and flavorless. Then there are the best ground beef categories, which specify combinations of cuts coming from the short ribs, brisket, flap meat, flank, skirt, and are often combined with the chuck for 20-25% fat. Pure brisket ground into burgers would be pretty great. Grinding your own meat is a great way to get much higher quality at a lower price. Ground beef mystery meat is overpriced in my opinion.
Would a brisket burger give traditional brisket flavor?  I mean it's not a great cut until it cooks for a very long time.  I'm sure it's good, but does it taste like brisket is my ?
curegeorg said:
Would a brisket burger give traditional brisket flavor?  I mean it's not a great cut until it cooks for a very long time.  I'm sure it's good, but does it taste like brisket is my ?
It would taste like a better, beefier burger. Not like brisket.
Ginger, I've had ground brisket burgers and they are quite tasty but no noticeable 'brisket' taste.  The color seemed slightly lighter than your everyday ground meat and the texture probably varies slightly depending on how they grind it for you but you would not be disappointed in trying some.  My neighbor has brisket ground any time they go on sale and vacum packs what he doesn't cook so I wind up with some of his excess on occasion...which is the tastiest ground meat of all ;D
SconniQ , just curious when you do your Brisket Burgers do you remove any fat , some , or all ?
I have not ground my own burgers (still contemplating buying a grinder), but have had brisket burgers, and other blends. You want about 20% fat, regardless of which cut you are using. If you are using a whole brisket, I would cube it up, and see how you come out fat-wise. If you have extra fat, you can freeze it and add it to another leaner meat that you grind. You can also blend brisket with short rib and chuck. Fancy burger restaurants use a blend that often include all or some of these.
Well I love burgers and brisket, so I don't see how I wouldn't love a brisket burger.  I had never even considered this before.  Lol.  Now it's on the to do list.
i've never smoked them but we buy and grind up briskets all the time.. very beefy tasting burger .. very good

we also use ground brisket when we make our 50/50 burgers... 50% ground brisket 50% ground bacon
awesome burgers

we grind a bit leaner for those and then use a pack of bacon ends and pieces ... grind and mix

usually we make 6 pounds of that mix at a time just cause the bacon comes in a 3 pound pack