Brisket Bacon


New member
After smoking a whole packer brisket once, I had a fatty hunk left from the point. Too fatty to just eat. ("Too fatty to eat" is not usually part of my vocabulary when it comes to brisket.) I'm not one who likes to trim much fat off, I leave almost all of it. Rather than making burnt ends or something, I sliced it thin, put some slices on a sheet pan and into a 425 degree oven until it was sizzly and crispy like bacon. I ate with eggs for breakfast, and made some of the most delicious BBLTs (BrisketBacon, Lettuce, Tomato) I've ever eaten! I'd like to think I invented it (because I did come up with it spur of the moment), but lots of people make beef bacon from brisket. Of course my brisket bacon is not cured like traditional bacon would be, but just as delicious nonetheless. And it's basically ready to go as a by-product of smoking the brisket. Just an idea for an easy next day re-purposing of the fattiest parts of the point in the summer when there are lots of fresh tomatoes in the garden! (Oh summer, how I miss you.)
My buddy says that I should be a poster child for Lipitor.  I think you should really apply for the position.  LOL!!
SuperDave said:
My buddy says that I should be a poster child for Lipitor.  I think you should really apply for the position.  LOL!!

Maybe I should think about putting an extra slice of tomato on that sandwich!