Brining Pork Ribs ? Inquiring Minds would like to know!


Since so many here that brine pork and brisket, I thought what about ribs?

Do any one here brine their ribs or have you tried it in the past?

If so what results did you have ?

Thanks in advance Greg
I've never brined ribs but have seen the topic raised here before.  The posters usually get blasted with, "No!" 
SuperDave said:
I've never brined ribs but have seen the topic raised here before.  The posters usually get blasted with, "No!"


Since I had not seen a recipe posted saying brined ribs, I guess the answer was no. But after reading the article from Scott Thomas and another by Jeff Phillips, I may have to give it a try.

I have brined ribs and still do on occasion. The ribs are great but the difference between brined or just rubbed isn't all that substantial. I still brine if I am also brineing a butt or brisket @ the same time. Give it a try & see if you have similar results.
Walt said:
I have brined ribs and still do on occasion. The ribs are great but the difference between brined or just rubbed isn't all that substantial. I still brine if I am also brineing a butt or brisket @ the same time. Give it a try & see if you have similar results.

Hey Walt,

I have a few racks of Berkshire Baby Backs in the freezer, so I will give it a try next week and see if I can taste the difference.

P.S. If you have not tried Berkshire ribs or pork you should give it a try. The meat is amazing, a bit pricy $8.99 per lb but you can taste the difference.

We did a side by side comparison of 12 hour brined against unbrined ribs. Those racks were specialty cut extremely meaty baby-backs. We could not tell a noticeable difference and determined it was not worth the trouble.

An additional note from rib testing, we found the IBP (Iowa Beef Packers) Baby backs to be superior to others including the specialty cut ribs I mentioned above.
Pork Belly said:
We did a side by side comparison of 12 hour brined against unbrined ribs. Those racks were specialty cut extremely meaty baby-backs. We could not tell a noticeable difference and determined it was not worth the trouble.

An additional note from rib testing, we found the IBP (Iowa Beef Packers) Baby backs to be superior to others including the specialty cut ribs I mentioned above.

I think I will still do a test run, just for the heck of it.

As long as they don't turn out worse than my normal my wife will be happy!

I've brined baby backs before, but like Brian said, it just wasn't worth the trouble.  If you apply rub the night before, wrap and rest in the fridge, the salt in the rub actually accomplishes the same thing as brining (modifies the protein molecules at the surface of the meat).  I found that ribs, prepared this way, and brined ribs were the same, as far as moisture.  Try it for yourself, and decide!
DivotMaker said:
I've brined baby backs before, but like Brian said, it just wasn't worth the trouble.  If you apply rub the night before, wrap and rest in the fridge, the salt in the rub actually accomplishes the same thing as brining (modifies the protein molecules at the surface of the meat).  I found that ribs, prepared this way, and brined ribs were the same, as far as moisture.  Try it for yourself, and decide!

Hey Tony,

My ribs have always turned out good in the past. With the last baby backs I did a 4 hour brine and they were also great. Next week I will do a side by side, doesn't take much time. My guess is they will be really close.

I will let you know my results.

Thanks Greg
It'll be a good peace-of-mind exercise, Greg!  As everyone knows, I'm pretty partial to brining  ;) , but I just didn't find it worth the trouble with ribs - not enough meat.  I do, however, find brining country-style ribs worth the effort.
DivotMaker said:
It'll be a good peace-of-mind exercise, Greg!  As everyone knows, I'm pretty partial to brining  ;) , but I just didn't find it worth the trouble with ribs - not enough meat.  I do, however, find brining country-style ribs worth the effort.

The really great thing about the smokin forum is you can fly ideas off of others and really pickup knowledge super fast.

Thanks for the input, happy holiday!
