Brining a butt and injection


New member
I have never brined a butt. But I am thinking about trying it this weekend. I usually inject my butts before cooking. With brine do you forgo the injection or do both?

apple juice
Worcestershire sauce
I usually just brine for 24-48 hours depending on schedule. I will say the longer brine has better flavor, moisture is about the same.

Here's what I do to brine a 8# deboned butt.
Mix 1/4 cup kosher salt, 1.5 tsp cure #1, 1/4 cup memphis dust rub, and 1/2 cup water and heat in microwave to dissolve dry ingredients.  Then add 2 cans frozen apple juice concentrate to cool mix
I spread a light coating of memphis dust into cavity and on the butt then tie butt with butchers twine to compact the butt so it will cook evenly.
Then I put the butt into a 2 gallon ziplock bag and the pour in the liquid mix (adding enough water to make sure the butt is covered after all the air is expelled from bag).
Put into fridge and turn butt every 3-4 hours till ready to smoke.
Thank you so it sounds like you do not inject and brine that is good to know. I am always told I make the best Pulled pork but people not paying always say that. I do not eat alot of what I make for some reason. Atleast not the day of. I was going to switch it up and try something different. Maybe Labor Day weekend is not the time. I have the briner Brining bucket ( ) and love that for brining anything. I have both sizes. we will see what I do thank you for the information. I have time as dinner is Saturday at the campground. I am going out Friday morning to setup. So I will have the time space.
raymillsus said:
I have never brined a butt. But I am thinking about trying it this weekend. I usually inject my butts before cooking. With brine do you forgo the injection or do both?

I neither brine nor inject butts and they come out super moist and stupid easy to 'pull'.  (I put that in quotes because I just gently rub it between my fingers and it comes apart.)
Mine always falls apart I am just thinking about adding flavor. I like apple juice in my pork. Just me. I am just not sure if you can do both or it will be too salty etc.
With my charcoal smoker I brined and injected.  With the SI, I no longer do. I just add a little rub and variety of liquid when I pull it.  It’s a further step towards Lazy Q.
I use to brine butts. I don’t any more. If anything I will dry brine the night before if I remember but I usually rub it and into the smoker. I have not done side by side tests, but they turn out great.

I have not injected butts, so no help really. But enjoy your weekend and food!