Brine min/max time limit?

I go about 12 hours on an 8 pound butt. I think 8 hours would be your minimum, but I would not hesitate to go 16. Pork muscle is pretty dense, and is pretty forgiving with the brine time, so it's not as easy to over-brine as poultry might be.
As a general rule I brine about one hour per pound but, like Kari, am happy to go 1.5 hours/lb on butts.
1 hour per pound is my general rule for poultry. Poultry seems to suck up the brine more readily. 1.5 hours per pound for pork is my general rule, but even when I've gone up to 2 hours per pound for pork, it was not over-brined.
With the ratio of salt in my brine, I stick to approx. 1 - 1.5 hrs/lb, but usually just leave them all (8-10 lbs) in for 12-13 hours.  Works fine for me.  8)