Brine for baby-backs?


New member
Following the recipes and instructions found on this forum, I've brined boston butts, whole chickens, and chicken wings and have always had great flavor.  Because so many on the forum seem to love brining (and I'm now one of them!), I'm wondering why no one has ever posted about brining ribs?  Has anyone tried it?  If not, why not?  If so, how were the results? 
I have & do brine ribs.  I have seen posts by others brineing them as well.  I always brine large cuts but ribs are 50/50.  Completely depends on if I put enough forethought into the cook & thawed them out in enough time.  I think brineing helps everything but the degree of help increases exponentially with the size of the cut.  All the ribs I've cooked have been outstanding but the brined ones are a little better. IMHO.
Thanks, Walt.  Besides adding juiciness, I think brining adds a depth to the flavor that isn't there otherwise (especially on the hot wings recipe found on this forum - UNBELIEVABLY good).  With your encouraging words, I'm definitely going to try it on my next rack of ribs.  Did you use the same brine recipe that's posted/used for the boston butt or do you use a different one?
I've actually brined ribs alongside a butt.  That brine works fine.  I agree with the flavor aspect especially when adding spices & herbs to the brine.  Makes it a brine and marinade all @ once.
I'm like Walt - always on large cuts, 50/50 on ribs.  When I do, I use my pork butt brine for 3-4 hours, then rub and smoke. 
Thanks again, guys.  I appreciate the input and will try it out next week (Heading to Disney World tomorrow for a much-needed week vacation.  Looking forward to it but will miss the homemade Q in the meantime!).  By the way, Divot, I contacted Steve about my #1 not getting up to temp.  He promptly sent me another heating element.  I haven't been able to use it yet but I'm sure that was the problem...part of the element must not have been functioning properly.  As you've always said, great customer service with this company!
Thanks, Tony.  I already changed it out.  Pretty straight-forward.  I'm testing it out right now while I'm cooking some ribs.  i've been gone for the past week on family vacation to Disney World.  I've been jonesing for some barbeque, so this is our first dinner meal back at home!
Good deal, Gary.  It may be the "magical kingdom," but it's not know for it's Q!  Lol!  Hope the new element works better for you! 
Tony, the ribs turned out great.  The unit got to temp in about one hour, as you said that yours does.  If you recall, the last time I cooked ribs, the box temp never made it past 191 after 6.5 it was definitely a bad heating element.  These ribs were perfect after 5 hours...and I didn't have to finish them in the oven!