"Break in" smoke (seasoning) is underway!


New member
As I sit here and write, my #2 is going through its seasoning but I can't help but wanna go out, open it up, "poke the coals". I know that I'm not smoking any food but the smell of the hickory, the cold air, the stars in the sky and a nice semi stiff drink puts me in a mood. I have been "trolling" these forums for about 2 months now and I must say its gonna be hard not to open my "easy bake oven". By no means am I disrespecting the SI but it's gonna take some time to get used to not worrying about the temps, moppin on the sauce and "just takin a little peak".
I wanted a different smoker than the charcoal/wood that I have been using and as most I considered all types of other smokers. Well enough about the breakin just glad I found this smoker and these forums. Thanks to all who post here with tips, recipes, hints and suggestions. It is you who help make this a great place for a "noobie" electric smoker guy, such as me, feel like he made the right choice and I haven't even smoked any food yet. YET! Looks like it's gonna be a long night.
Glad to have you with us!  Yeah, that seasoning smoke sure makes you hungry!! :-X  When you have a chance, head over to the "Introductions" section and tell us a little about your other smoking experience.  A first name and town is also nice in the signature line of your profile - let's us know who our new "Club Lazy Q" members are! 8)
I am in the same boat as you are. Feels wierd being able to set it and forget it. After how my first cook this evening turned out, I am happy as can be with my new smoker. I am leaning on these guys to show me the way, as they have already broken the trail for us newbies! Good luck and enjoy your new tool!
Another member on a different topic/thread made a comment that I REALLY think I will learn to enjoy. It was something like this: I am letting my smoker work for me vs. me working it. Now that sounds good to me.