Boston Butts for a crowd


New member
Has anyone for the forum smoked 3-4 8lb butts at the same time?  The #3 will hold them - just wondered about temp and time to smoke
See our answers to your question about smoking 5 at one time here:

Might want to revive that thread, rather than reinventing the wheel.
Yes, thanks for the reply and re-direct to an older post of mine, but it really didn't answer my question as to how long a larger quantity would take.  Would it take about the same time as one butt? or will it take much longer? 

Sorry - I thought it did.  As long as there's plenty of airspace around the butts, they should cook like a single, or maybe a little longer.  I think bumping the temp to 240 would be a good idea (to account for the extra mass), and allow yourself an extra hour, you should be OK.  But - it depends on the butts, too!  You can never tell how long it will take; I average around 1 hour per pound on the ones that I buy, but some are closer to 2 hours per pound.  If you buy them from the same place as singles you have done, you should be able to use that as a rough estimate.  For planning, I'd probably allow 2 hours per pound (of the biggest one), and probe the smallest one.  You can always wrap/rest in the cooler if they're done ahead of schedule.  You can also hold them in the smoker @ 140.
You will want to place the probe in the smallest butt (as Tony said) as it will reach your desired IT the quickest, and you don't want an over cooked butt. If you have two probes, place one in the largest/heaviest butt as added insurance. Remotes are not that expensive, and in the long run, having an extra or two can save your butt.