Boneless Pork Loin Roast Finish Temperature


New member
I am in the process of smoking a 2.93 lb Boneless Pork Loin Roast that I want to slice. I have it on at 225 and plan to take it off at 160. Is that a good plan or should I adjust things up or down?

I used 3.2 ounces of Smokinelicious Cherry. That stuff is great. Started smoking at about 13 minutes. My wife marinated it in a sauce she wanted to use and I dusted it with Cavender's All Purpose Greek Seasoning. Don't have the foggiest idea what she put in it, but as long as she is happy all will go well. Thanking you in advance for your assistance.
Sounds good...if you plan to reverse sear, then you could take it off a bit sooner, at same 155IT.  Otherwise, 160-165IT will work fine, and you might want to wrap in foil for a bit before serving.

The 225 temp for the smoker will be perfect.
It depends on how you like your pork. If you want it without any pink then your plan will work fine. If you prefer really juicy pork loin, as I do, then take it off at an IT of 135 or 140 tops and rest, foil wrapped, in a cooler for an hour or two before reverse searing and serving. This is perfectly safe in that the IT ends up at 145 or thereabouts. We all have our own preferences and I am sure that Divot, who disagrees strongly with me on this, will weigh in.
The USDA has lowered the "safe" temperature for pork from 160, to 140 (thank god, 160 is dry to me). So removing it at 135 and resting, carryover cooking will get it in the safe zone. At 140, it will be pink in the middle. Anything higher than that and it is all personal preference. My preference is 140. Pink, moist and tender! If you go toward 160, it will become dry and quite firm. Like the pork loin we all grew up with...