Boneless Pork Butt


New member
Need some guidance. Any difference in smoking the butt since its boneless? The plan is to put the rub on today and let the butt and rub get happy until tomorrow morning. Temp 240, wrap at hour 5, and pull at 200. Thoughts?
I think the bone-in cooks a tab bit faster.
I season with rub in the cuts and then truss it up so the piece cooks as a whole muscle.  Tied up helps it cook evenly.
Not sure I would smoke a boneless pork butt again. The butt cooked in 6 hours. I probably needed to tie it up to make it even.
Didn’t see this post originally.

But, I smoke boneless most of the time, that’s what I think I pick up in two packs from Costco and they seem fine when have used them.

What issues did you have? 6 hours at 240* doesn’t seem bad? But I’m not sure what the weight was? I also haven’t tied the boneless butts I’ve smoked. Hmmmm?