Boneless Beef Ribs


New member
My wife likes boneless ribs on occasion so I thought I would try smoking some.  Haven't been able to find much here.  Anyone like to make some suggestions on wood, time, temp, rub or marinate them?
I think your taking about boneless short ribs? If so this may help, Those were bone in but seasoning would be the same. Your cook time will be somewhat shorter.
He might be talking about what they call "country style boneless ribs", here in Ohio. I see these a lot in grocery stores here. In reality they are pork butt, cut into boneless "ribs". I've never smoked any, but I guess I'd treat it just like pork butt, except a lot less smoking time.
Boneless BEEF ribs

Boneless Country-Style Ribs
Chuck Short Ribs
Boneless Short Ribs
Boneless Braising Ribs
English Short Ribs
Middle Ribs

These normally come from the Chuck or Shoulder I believe.

In the past, I've grilled them on high heat, then braised them for several hours to make them tender and finished them with bbq sauce.

Not sure if I should just smoke them for 2-3 hours, then braise them in the smoker for another 2 or what?

I'll post some pictures of them when I unwrap them.
I've done boneless beef "country style" ribs on the gasser before, Bruce, but not in the SI (shame on me, but so many meats to smoke, and so little time!).  Beef country-style ribs commonly come from the chuck eye roll, which is also the source of the famous Delmonico steak, and chuck eye steaks (they're cut off of one end first).

Chuck, if cooked too quickly, can be tough (in my experience).  If I were going to smoke these, I would start with a marinade or brine, rub of choice (or just a simple salt and pepper), then slow smoke them at 225 to around 140, then maybe a quick sear on the grill.  These are thick enough to get a thermometer in, unlike pork ribs.  Low and slow would be the way to go.

By the way, here's a pretty cool reference on meat (this page is on the ribs):
Well I did the ribs today, somewhat followed the recipe on amazingribs.

Started at 12:30
Hit 160 IT at 2 hours 2:30
Hit 170 IT at 4.5 hours 5:00
Hit 180 IT at 5.0 hours 5:30
Hit 190 IT at 5.5 hours 6:00

I also threw in 3 potatoes.

Was kind of worried that 5.5 hours would be a bit long on the potatoes but they turned out great.

The ribs were excellent, almost fork tender, but still with a bit of bite to them.

Did 1.5 oz of cherry wood and 1 oz of hickory.



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Giving these a try today! Here is what I am doing? Hope they come out good.