black friday sale


New member
Snake river farms is having a black Friday sale, buy one get one free even briskets.
That brings Wagyu down to just over $5 per pound, which is pretty great. Don't know what the shipping costs are. I get my briskets from Costco, Prime, for around $3 or so per pound, so for me it's a tough decision. Wagyu in theory should be even higher quality than Prime, but not necessarily. Wagyu is a breed of cattle, and in general is supposed be highly marbled, but I don't think there is any regulation over the term "Wagyu" in the US as far as fat marbling, like there is for USDA Prime, Choice, Select. If you can't get Prime briskets at Costco, then I would jump on this one though, because most likely, it is awesome!
I just bought one and cooked it, my second one. I wish I would've waited a little longer and ordered this deal, lol! I can tell you that it's VERY good meat, but I've never had a prime packer. I can't find them here in the Atlanta area. I can get Choice Black Angus all day but not prime. I am tempted to order just to have them on hand though. Wagyu for $5.00/lb is dirt cheap. As for the grading, I'd say it's better than prime, they say that it is and after having 2 of these now I can attest to the marbling. It's insane how well marbled the meat is and how buttery the fat is. It melts under the heat of your hand while trimming it!