Bill from WNY + a pork butt question


New member
Hi I'm Bill. After some exhaustive research I pulled the trigger on the #2 and couldn't be happier. I've only had it about 2 weeks and I've done a fatty, whole chicken, whole turkey, meatloaf, Canadian bacon, salmon, and I just started my first Kielbasa this morning.

I've looked through the forum and I see there is a wide range for time on a pork butt (1-2 hours/lb?). I'm all for starting early, but how long to plan for a 12lb pork butt? 12 or 24 hours seems like an extremely wide range. Has anyone nailed down a better time frame or have a plan for this? Hoping to use the Lazy-Q brining method for this one and make pulled pork.

Grateful to have found this resource!
I have had a wide range of times for 9# boneless butts that have taken 10-16 hours. So I just brine a day in advance, rub and put in smoker at 225 deg the evening before about 9pm. I have my temp alarm set at 195. Usually finish by 9-10 am. So I really don't worry about how long it will take as I have plenty of time built in.
I also think that the pork flavor and taste is better the second day. Flavors seem to be blended and more even.
Welcome Bill.  I do butts and brisket overnight. Typically start around 11 or 12 and go to bed. And I check progress in the morning while having the first cup of coffee.
Hi Bill,  all smokers cook differently

Start early because a pork butt is very forgiving

You can set your smoker to 140 for a holding temp if your butt gets done to early

Take notes
Hey Bill!  Welcome to the family...  I started out with the #2 and absolutely loved it.  I'm using the 3DW now.  I always do at least two ~9 lb/each butts at a time.  This last time I actually did four.  Anyway, my personal experience is to throw them in at night, go to bed, and expect them to be done in 12-14 hours
Thanks for the replies everyone. The butt is currently in the brine and I'm looking to start it in the early morning about 2am.

Normally, the go to bed and check with the coffee method would be perfect. I have to step out in the morning and the wife didn't feel comfortable removing, wrapping, and putting the butt in the cooler. Great idea to hold it at 140 degrees right in the smoker though! I know she can handle that if the butt reaches temp while I'm out.

When I bought the pork butts in a case of 84lbs so I didn't get to hand pick or I probably wouldn't have started with a 12lb. Can't complain though because I got them for $1/lb.

Thanks again for all the tips!
Welcome Bill, it sounds like you are keeping the fire burning so to speak. Glad you are enjoying your new smoker. You have found a great resource here with lots of folks willing to help.

Welcome Bill from another WNYer.  Whereabouts in WNY if you dont mind me asking?  I'm in Niagara County.  I did a 9.5 pound pork butt last week and it took 14 hrs @ 225.  I put it in at 12:30am and pulled it out around 3pm. 
Hi J, Im about an hour south of Buffalo in Catt county. Nice to meet you and thinks for your input on the Pork Butt.
Like others have said, pork butt is forgiving and does well wrapped in foil and holding in a cooler until you serve. I’ve held a pork butt for 3-4 hours in a cooler this way and it was piping hot still when I pulled it. Helps with your timing and allows you to get your sides made up right before if needed.

But, 225* seems to be a 12-16 hour cook for the bigger butts.