Bigboy burgers!!!!


New member
2lbs of hot sausage
About 5 lbs of 80/20 ground chuck
6to8 0z of fresh grated parmesan cheese
1/4 cup Texas Pete
About an 1/8 cup of worcestershire sauce
Salt and black pepper 
I cooked them at 235 degrees with 2oz of hickory until they reach 170 degrees
Very juicy and tasty.
Didn't know if I should have put this in beef or pork. I went with beef because it has more beef in it.
This make a lot of 6" dia 3/4 inch thick burgers. I take and freeze most of them uncooked. They turn out just as good thawing them and cooking when you want one.


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would this still work if the patty wasn't so thick? maybe a half inch?  ive been told burgers and smoking don't work together cause the burgers dry out too much,, recipe sounds great
I don't know... To prevent them from drying out I used ground chuck (80/20), sausage (locally homemade), and made them thick.
Bigboy, as long as you had them at the temps you did you shouldn't have to worry about putting raw pork with raw beef; hell, plenty of folks add minced bacon to their ground beef as the form the patties.  Based on the visual evidence, this looks like a rousing success.

Glok, with an 80/20 mix, plus the fat from the sausage and the addition of the parm cheese it shouldn't dry out.  These components would also help if you take it to the grill after the smoke; I like an aggressive sear on my burgers so a quick trip to a high heat cast iron skillet would give it a neat textural component. 

One last suggestion; taking the freshly smoked burgers and vac sealing them will also give you some VERY quick meals that are a good alternative when you don't have time to fire up the smoker.  Throw them in a skillet with a little reserved bacon grease and you'll bring them to temp and get a sear in one fell swoop.
got some 80/20's on right now with some extra hot hot links,,had Ozark sugar maple chunks so that's what im using,sure does smell intoxicating
I'm curious how they come out inside.  I'm a fan of a medium burger (gotta have some pink), so I'm wondering if they're gray inside or pink?
dandy good burger!!! my 80/20 was gray cooked at 225 for an hour, used montreal seasoning on unfrozen performed patties ,with handmade patties and good seasoning such as urs, this method is bada$%.....thanks bigboy for giving me the cajones to finally try this.............
Glad you enjoyed them glok. I know I did. Had a left over for lunch today and it was great reheated in the microwave.
Nothing like taking a bite into a big smoked burger. They also don't shrink near as much compared to grilling em.....