Best pulled pork EVER!!

Smoke Crazy

New member
This was the 4th smoke on my new 3D. I truly believe the flavor and texture of this pulled pork could not be any better! I've been getting texts and calls like crazy from everyone who has eaten this batch and they say it's the best they've ever had! The chunks literally melt in the mouth and the entire butt is extremely moist. Bark is like candy!

I want to praise our own DivotMaker and Malcolm Reed of Killer Hogs for the best recipes ever! Here is a rundown of my cook:

2 Boston Butts from Kroger, 7.52 and 7.83 lb
Brine for 12 hrs using the DivotMaker recipe
Rinse, pat dry, light coat of mustard then a generous coating all over with Killer Hogs Hot rub
Loaded butts into cold smoker, second level from the top
Using Thermaworks Smoke, probed each butt from the end opposite bone with tip at dead center
Loaded firebox with a 3.5 oz chunk each of cherry and hickory (Smokinlicious)
Set PID for 16 hrs @ 230 deg and took a long nap!
5 1/2 hrs later (butts at 171 and 175 deg) still had pretty decent smoke. Bumped PID down to 225 deg to cool off burner and finish cook
At 10:05 hrs, 1st butt @ 195 deg, 2nd @ 181 deg. Pulled the 1st, wrapped in butcher paper and into cooler, covered with towel to rest for 1 hr minimum
At 12:15 hrs, 2nd butt @ 195 deg, out and wrapped

Couldn't have been easier! I LOVE THIS SMOKER!!


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Out of curiosity why did you score them?  I've never done it and always looking to learn new techniques.
Good question. I read the suggestion somewhere else on the forum to score in order to help the rendering process. First time I've ever tried it. I'm still wide open on this. Some folks swear that fat will render into the meat. Others say it's not possible. I wish there was more conclusive data to support either way.