Best practice for freezing Pork butt suggeations


New member
Will be doing a 10 pound pork butt this weekend.

This is for the following weekend.  Will heat up with sous vide.

Suggestions as to freezing:  unshredded or shredded or makes no difference ?
Although I do not do sous vide, I have frozen butts both shredded as well as in a solid piece.  Solid retains more moisture.  But if you are going to sous vide, shredded should be fine with no loss of moisture and it might just get heated through faster.
I have always shredded and then vac sealed. Sous Vide is my preferred reheat as well, and does a great job with. You can also thaw and place in a heavy bottom pot with a bit of sauce, turns out well also.

I have not froze whole, so can’t help there. Enjoy the cook!
Since you are reheating using sous vide, shredding before freezing would be my preferred method as well. No loss of moisture as it all stays in contact with the meat inside the vacuum sealed bag. Have a great cook!