Beef Tongue?


New member
Anyone ever try to smoke a beef tongue?  My mom used to boil them all day and they were good.  I saw a whole pile of them at Sam's today and thought that low and slow in the smoker might be interesting. 
Hey Dave, maybe smoke it to IT of 150 so all the smoke has taken and then add beef broth, cover and then let it go to 200 like in the recent chuck roast post. I will be interested to see how this comes out!
I tried smoking some lamb tongues that a friend gave me once.  The hardest part was skinning them before cooking (lamb tongues are little!). Lets just say it was not my most successful experiment.  I think with beef tongue, you would boil it until the skin loosened, peel it, and them perhaps wrap with bacon and put in the smoker. Brining might be a good idea, and definitely a water pan.  My mother used to do the all day boil, too, when I was a kid, and I remember loving it, but she is long gone, and I haven't had it since, except once, shaved, in a chef salad. Good Luck! Let us know how it goes.