Beef Sammiches

RG 2.0

New member
A while back I made Kentucky Roast Beef using the Pit Barrel Cooker, which coincidentally I sold 2 weeks ago after only using 5-6 times. The meat I cooked for the KRB I saved the remainder of the roast by vacuum sealing it and freezing it. I had been wanting to make a French Dip out of it for a while so I took it out of the freezer yesterday and plopped it in the pot with the Anova set to 135° and let it ride for about 28 hours.

I could've taken the easy road and bought some nice hoagie rolls but nope, I made my own. I made the dough yesterday and let it proof for 24 hours and then baked up some nice split top torpedo rolls. The crust had a nice chew and the inside was as soft as a pillow!

I took the jus from that meat and served it along side the sammies. I piled mine with roast beef and some provolone underneath and dipped it, my wife and son made a kind of "Italian Beef" by dipping the bread and adding giardiniera to it. Close enough I reckon!

Take a look see :)







Thanks for looking!
That's some beautiful shaved beef!  Was the initial BBQ roast a little tough, smoking it to medium?  I assume that's why you gave it a two day swim? 
No, it was tender the first time I cooked it. I just didn't eat the whole roast. I cut in half after it was cooked back in March, ate one half and froze the other. I just took it from the freezer on Saturday and put it in the pot at 135° to thaw and reheat. Just seemed like an easy way to do it AND it made all that nice jus to use ;)
That looks awesome.  On a side note, I've been looking for a new meat slicer.  What brand/model is that slicer?  It looks like it does a nice job.
dibiase said:
That looks awesome.  On a side note, I've been looking for a new meat slicer.  What brand/model is that slicer?  It looks like it does a nice job.

It does a nice job but is a pain in the you know what to clean! It's a generic no name deal. I bought it off of Amazon.
Chef's Choice slicers are KNOWN for being easy to clean. They aren't big powerful machines like what they have at the deli, but work very well for home use. You need to slice slower than what you see people doing at the deli. A great place to buy slicers is ebay. These are the kinds of things people get for wedding gifts, or buy and use once or twice, then sell. Almost every slicer on ebay as been used "once or twice" or never. I bought my Chef's Choice Model 632 for $50 (retails for around $300). It was used once, and looked brand new. Check out the full Chef's Choice lineup on their website, and watch for them on ebay. There are more powerful slicers out there for the same money, but not nearly as easy to clean. And I decided, if it was a pain to clean, I would never use it. So that was one of my top requirements.

Here are a couple of well-done youtube videos on the Chef's Choice 615 which will show how easy the Chef's Choice models are to break down and clean, and also how they slice. Not super powerful, but certainly adequate for most of us.

Review and cleaning:
In use:
So, I'd say go with Kari's advice, lol. Mine is powerful, I can slice as fast as I can move but it takes about 15 minutes to clean it after use. My advice is to slice a bunch of stuff you want sliced while you have it out (if you get a hard to clean one like mine that is!).
There is no perfect answer. You can buy a commercial slicer at a great price that slices great, but is so hard to clean you just dread using it. Or you can buy an easy to clean "home" model that is kind of a wuss, but does fine for a task or two at a time. Both can be purchased used, or barely used at phenomenal prices, but if it is so hard to clean that you don't want to use it, then FREE is even too expensive.