Beef Ribs


I finally got to RD and picked up some beef (plate) ribs.  The ribs came in a two pack with three ribs on each piece.  I brined them for about 5 hours on Saturday, then rubbed with a Dalmatian rub for overnight on Saturday.  On the smoker at 8am Sunday with 3.5oz of hickory and 1.5oz of oak with temp set for about 240F.  Nine hours later and dinner time looming, I pulled them at 5pm with the bottom rack at about 190IT and the top rack at about 180IT.  I wanted to get them closer to 200IT, so I popped them into the oven at 350F to finish for about 30 minutes.

These bad boys were absolutely perfect, and the amount of meat on a bone was outrageous!  It was all I could do to finish eating one of them.  Left overs should be great!    I will definitely be smoking more beef ribs in the future.


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They look fantastic.  These have been on my list for a long time.  Availability is the only thing that has kept me from them. 
Sam's actually had 2-packs of 3-bone plates this last weekend!  Hopefully they'll still have some next weekend...I'll be a player!
They look awesome, Steve!  I knew I should have bought a pack, but talked myself out of it because I couldn't smoke them last weekend, and not much room in the freezer right now.  Hopefully, they'll have them next weekend!  I've never seen them there before.  Ever since Greg posted them, I've been wanting to do some!
You guys will not be disappointed! I have done the 3 rib plates (really short ribs) several times and they rock! Nice looking ribs Steve!  :)
Smoked mine yesterday!  Just a basic treatment with Jim Baldridge's Secret Seasoning, and a nice night's rest in the fridge to get happy.  4 oz of hickory/red oak, at 240, to IT of 195 (where I do brisket).  They took right at 8 hours, then got an hour rest in the cooler while I made taters & onions.  Fantastic!


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Thanks, gents!  I didn't inject or brine, just smoked 'em!  Kinda wanted to find a "baseline" before experimenting.