Beef riblets and a tiny brisket


New member
I've never eaten, let alone smoked, beef ribs before.  However, I noticed that the local grocer had a couple packs of what they called "beef riblets" on sale this week, so I picked up a couple packs.  Also, the grocer had a very small brisket (2 pounds!) on sale as well, so I grabbed it, thinking it could serve as an appetizer someday.  Well, since I have both the riblets and the tiny brisket, which alone would not be enough to feed our family, I think I'll serve both tomorrow night. I'll cook one in my #1 and the other in my #2. 

Any ideas on how long these ribs will take to cook?  I typically follow the 3-2-1 method for pork ribs.  Will this work for beef?  I've seen some posts that suggest 7 hours, but I've seen others where 4 hours is ideal.  Since I won't be using a thermometer for these ribs, timing is critical....and there's quite a difference between 4 and 7 hours of cook time.  Also, at what temp would you cook?  Any suggestions on a rub?  I typically use dalmation rub on brisket.

As for the tiny brisket, I'll be shooting at a 195 IT.  For such a small piece of meat, how long would you expect it would take to reach this temp?  When I do pork butts, I typically run at 2 hours per pound in my #2.  I figured the same for the brisket, but since it's so small, it may be quicker.
