Beef Dilemma

What should I cook for the Super Bowl?

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I have a dilemma about what to cook for the Super Bowl. I have cooked numerous briskets in my SI#2 with excellent results. I have recently been looking at the numerous posts on this forum about beef short rib plates and it is something that I definitely want to try but have never done. I have found a local butcher that sells short ribs already cut up that is willing to sell me 4 bone plates. I am torn between doing something that I am comfortable with and know will turn out great and taking a gamble on something new but has great potential to turn out just as good. (Providing I don't screw it up).So I have decided to enlist the help of this forum to decide for me. Here are a couple of things to factor in before casting your vote:

#1 - This cook will only be for 2-5 people depending on who shows up.

#2 - Cost is not a big factor considering the 4 bone short rib plates(4-5 lbs each) are currently priced at
        $5.99 lb and are going to cost basically as much (or more) as a whole packer brisket is going to cost.

Feel free to offer any other advice or suggestions.
Do you have time to throw a plate of ribs in this week? As good as I feel that I am, I hesitate to make a party the first time I try something. If you are eager to try the beef ribs, try to get one under your belt before Sunday.
If you are serving a bunch of adult refreshments, you might be safe cooking something new. I was also contemplating venturing out to something not tested but I decided to go with a brisket and baked oysters. Good Luck!
SuperDave said:
Do you have time to throw a plate of ribs in this week? As good as I feel that I am, I hesitate to make a party the first time I try something. If you are eager to try the beef ribs, try to get one under your belt before Sunday.
SuperDave, No, I don't have time for a trial run before Sunday. At $5.99 I can't afford to practice to many times. Lol
Jimmy, having done both, the short rib plates are not over tough. The cool think is that you will have "dinosaur ribs" to feed your guests. They take a little longer than baby backs since they are bigger but keep the seasonings simple and you will have a feast!
I chose packer just because you are reasonably confident that you are going to have reproducible results based on your previous smokes.

But, this really depends on your friends and how much you want to be able to impress them.

Do you care if the results are less than optimal?

Will they be paying more attention to the game and drinking beers and not really care that much about the results?

Do they have smoking experience to the point that they would really be able to tell how well the ribs turned out? We are always our own worst critics and notice the smallest things that others will not notice.

Are they OK being guinea pigs for a trial run?

Ultimately, if you friends are like mine, they won't care either way as long as they are getting home smoked meat, get to drink beer, and watch the Super Bowl all at the same time.
i'm the lone beef ribs vote. I think the heck with it and go for it, especially if they are close friends. What not better to do up some great ribs for super bowl. No one remembers who loses the big game, they always remember the winner - and you my friend could be the winner with a great meal!!

haha - hope you have fun with whatever you go with!
barelfly said:
i'm the lone beef ribs vote. I think the heck with it and go for it, especially if they are close friends. What not better to do up some great ribs for super bowl. No one remembers who loses the big game, they always remember the winner - and you my friend could be the winner with a great meal!!

haha - hope you have fun with whatever you go with!

The nice thing about the beef rib plate, is that you might just be serving them something that they have never had before, which is kind of cool.
The beef rib plate would be really impressive for your guests. And messy caveman food like that is perfect for a football game. Just make sure you allow plenty of time for smoking and resting. Like brisket, it can rest several hours if need be. The downside is that if you end up short on time and rushing it, tough beef ribs are really pretty horrible. It needs enough time to be melt in your mouth tender. Err on the side of caution time-wise.
If you do decide on the beef ribs, be sure to check for the silver skin like you would find on pork ribs.  I forgot to check the last time I did the beef ribs, and that silver skin is tough to chew!
Thank you to all who voted and offered suggestions and advice. I have purchased a 13 lb packer brisket that I will be smoking for the Super Bowl. I really wanted to give the short rib plates a try but I think I will save that experiment for another time when the results are not so critical.