Beef and pork ribs same time?


New member
Hi guys, I've got a question. I just got  a new #2D I want to smoke some ribs for my family, question is some of the love pork and some beef!! Are the cook times similar? Would it be OK to do both at the same time?
I doubt they will be the same time.  When I do BB ribs, I usually allow 5 to 5.5 hours at 235F.  The BB ribs are not smoked to a particular internal temp, we just go be time and how the meat pulls back from the bone.  For beef ribs, I smoke them to a desired IT of 190-195F, and they typically take much 8 to 9 hours.  By beef ribs, I mean the beef plate ribs which have a lot of meat on them.
Ok thanks, so it would probably be a good idea to put the beef on a couple hours earlier? Lol this smoking is going to be fun to learn, it must take a good amount of time to learn how to plan everything out for a meal to be on time. But I guess better to get food done early than late.
If those 2 things were on my menu, I'd smoke the beef ribs for 4 - 5 hours and braise finish them in the oven while I started a new smoke for the pork ribs. 
SuperDave said:
If those 2 things were on my menu, I'd smoke the beef ribs for 4 - 5 hours and braise finish them in the oven while I started a new smoke for the pork ribs.
What does braise finish mean? Hold warm?
Hi Laura, Having done both, the beef ribs will definitely take longer. Both suggestions you have gotten will work. If I was doing both at the same time, I would take the beef ribs to 140 deg IT and then put the pork ribs in for the requisite time. The oven braise should be about 300 - 325 if you want to have them done at a similar time. But the timing will be interesting either way. The cool thing is that ribs are pretty forgiving, whether beef or port, to holding at a warm oven (145 deg) until the other items are done. Just so you know, when I have done beef plates like it sounds like you have, it takes about 7.5 hours.
Thank all of you for your help I'm really looking forward to this, I'm quite lucky too.. My family isn't a picky one So even if something isn't quite right I know they will just smile and eat it anyway lol.