BBQ Still Alive in Cali


New member
When I moved out of my house I thought my BBQ days were over.  My daughters even bought me one of those little smoking guns that burn a pipe-bowl of chips to add a little smoke flavor to food.  But that wasn't nearly enough. I tried combining that with stovetop grilling, infusing more smoke with smoked paprika, hana-katsuo (shaved smoked dried bonito), smoked cheese, anything smoked! Still unsatisfied, I started searching the web for a solution. Smokin-It looked well designed, well made, and came with a community of dedicated and knowledgable pit masters. I took the leap and placed an order.

After breaking in my Model 2 with the included hickory, I brined a couple of chickens. I had never heard of equilibrium brine before, but I'm a believer now. Used a Maverick probe, set to 165 as recommended. The pic is below, smoked with sugar maple from Smokinlicious, resting before the reverse sear. Best chicken I ever Q'd - and easiest! Trying the second chicken with cherry right now.  Can't wait for trout, turkey, brisket, ribs, shoulder, rib roast, etc.

Thank you, Steve and the Smokin-It community. Life is more complete again!


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Welcome from Texas Steve! That's some fine looking yard bird. You have so many options with the SI smokers that you will be busy for quite a while just trying all the great recipes and techniques available to you. This site is loaded with great ideas and advice. Be sure to add a big ole pork butt to your list of things to try. Enjoy!
Congrats on your first smoke Steve! Looks great! Producing top quality Q with these smokers is practically as easy as putting something in your oven.
A Great Big Smokin-It "WELCOME," Steve!  And a BIG Congrats on your first smoke!  That bird is picture-prefect, and bet it tasted every bit as good as it looks!  Nice job, and great to have you with us!!