BBQ Cleaner - Careful with EZ-Off Heavy Duty Oven Cleaner


New member
So, I'm nearing my 1 year mark and have smoked alot. I felt like my SI #2 was due for a cleaning before I start exercising it through the winter months around here. Anyway, I wanted to let everyone know that EZ-Off is a Sodium Hydroxide "Lye" chemical that is very caustic. I learned my lesson today as I've never used oven cleaner before. I want to give anyone considering using it to clean their unit a big warning to read the label and "WEAR PROTECTIVE SKIN GEAR" such as full arm rubber gloves. I glanced at the usage label and failed to heed the advice of using gloves. This stuff is super effective at cleaning the interior of the SI units. But it WILL chemically burn your skin. My fingers are now wrinkly and I had some mixed with water that ran down my arm and left chemical burn streaks. It don't hurt me yet but I am starting to notice some skin irritation a few hours after completing the job.

Google mentions soda water, vinegar, or lemon juice are a method of safely and quickly neutralizing the caustic alkaline of this product. See a doctor if you have a bad reaction or heavy contact with this chemical.

I think I'll definitely be more careful about these kinds of chemicals in the future.
Back when I was a renter in college, it was me and 6 guy roommates. The guys all deserted me at the end of the lease, and left the cleaning of the entire 6 bedroom apartment to me (also didn't pay their last month's rent, but that's another story). I got around to cleaning the oven with Easy-Off sometime in the middle of the night, wearing gloves, but in bare feet (who thinks about their feet?). Also cleaned the toilets with "The Works" (another strong acid). Apparently, I got a little "drip" of one of those two products on my ankle. I didn't notice it right away, because I was tired and very busy cleaning, so I didn't wash it off for quite a while. 3 days later, what started out as a tiny little red dot burn that I barely noticed, and didn't hurt much, had turned a teeny-tiny hole going all the way through my skin, got infected, and my whole foot swelled up, and I couldn't walk. The day after that, part of my foot turned black. Sent me to the hospital for a week of IV antibiotics. I was lucky, because the doctors sure looked "worried". So, do what you can to find something to neutralize those burns. And keep applying. That stuff gets in your skin and keeps going.
Do you have any "before" pictures?  I'm curious what it looked like to motivate you to do this.  I've smoked for over a decade in my propane smoker and never cleaned it. 
I do not understand why you felt the need to get rid of all that wonderful seasoning on the inside? I can see washing the racks and grates and maybe the lid of the smoker box. My buddy has had a Cookshack for the last 5 years and he has never cleaned the inside. It is so black and seasoned when he does poultry he doesn't even have to add wood. The patina heats up and flavors the bird.
I don't have before pictures. I want to do some cold smokes this winter and don't want the build up affecting things. I was starting to get some thick goo on the back wall near the built in thermometer and it was bothering me. I'm not as religious as some about cleaning my thermometer after each cook, etc...
I do the same thing, about once a year, because of the buildup of creosote.  Unlike stick burners, or propane, it seems like these oxygen-starved smokers get more buildup.  I know it doesn't really effect anything, but I like a "fresh" seasoning every now and then - especially when the door gets so built up that it flakes off every time I open it.  Just me, though... everyone has their preference.  I have not seen any ill effects from a cleaning/re-seasoning. 
How messy was it?  I think of cleaning mine, but my hunch is the runoff and spray residue would be better suited for/on the driveway and not the deck or grass.

EZ Off sticks, but not the best. 

Or did you close the door after the spay?

It was messy. I did it on the side of my driveway in the grass. I put down some newspapers to wipe the goo onto after I let it soak on with the door shut about 20 mins. Then I wiped it down with kitchen scrub pad and water. Then I rinsed with garden hose into grass. I guess I'll find out soon if my grass dies in that area. Based on what it did to my hands I have to think the grass will die in that small area. But it's almost winter soon and spring will bring everything back.