bayou classic 5011 marinade injector


New member
Just received my injector, and it came with extra o-rings. Now really need the SI-#1. But, wanted to pass this along as have seen some post where the o-rings are wearing out.
#1 should arrive tomorrow, I hope it gets here early. Went to Sam's today found some choice brisket for 3.38perlb. Picked up two of those both was over 14lbs. Also found a Boston Butt roast right at 7lb. and couple slab of ribs. I went a little crazy as they had 2 large frenchs mustard bottles together for $4. Could not pass that up. Back to my train of thought normally ups delivers to me around 6 or 7 in the evening.
I split the briskets and packaged them in freezer paper. They all weighed a little over 7 lbs. So have 4 briskets, and found some chuck roasts in the freezer that I need to smoke also. Was a good day to hit Sam's also overheard the butcher tell another customer that they would put out more briskets in the am. May have to take another trip. Really cannot believe the difference in price from choice to prime. The ones I purchased was choice and USDA grade still in cryowrap
That is what the butcher said at Sam's. Can you believe I found an honest person. The good thing is they were $3.68 lb. can't beat that. The rest was $ and could not see paying that much. The ones I purchase was USDA grade and really looked nice.
elkins20 said:
The ones I purchase was USDA grade and really looked nice.


"USDA grade" is not actually the "grade" of the meat.  USDA standards are Prime, Choice and Select.  Prime is the highest grade, and a very small percentage of US beef is graded Prime (why it's so expensive).  USDA Choice is really the best deal; not much of a difference in Prime and Choice, but big cost difference.  Stay away from USDA Select, unless you're just grinding it for meatloaf or something.