Battle of the SIs! Model 1 and Model 2 in a Pork Butt Cookoff!


New member
It's like a BBQ competition around here today, and I'm going to be the winner, no matter what happens! ;D

At 4:20 am, I put a 9 lb 7 oz Boston butt in the #1, 225, with 5.5 oz of cherry and a water pan of apple juice.

At 4:30 am, I threw a 9 lb 13 oz butt in the #2!  This one's also using cherry and apple juice, but is running with the Auber.

At 5 1/2 hours in, the larger butt is at 151 IT, and the smaller one is at 162.  It appears the #1 is ahead at this point!  I suspect they'll even-out when they stall, so we'll see!

Due to time constraints, I didn't get to brine these butts.  Going "old school" this time!


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You know me...  Old School is the best way.

Let's make this a "virtual cookoff" by adding my #3! 

My last couple of cooks were disappointing.  They were both impulse decisions and rushed.  One was chicken and the other was a flat.  Neither of them were well planned and thought out.  Not this weekend!

8lb Butt...  well planned and done right!

> Noon on Saturday - Injected through the packaging at Noon yesterday.  Injectioned included Apple Cider Vinegar, Apple Juice, Rye Whiskey and various spices.  Back in the fridge.

> 5pm on Saturday - Out of the packaging, Dry Rub added, injected a little more, and put in a pan (set up off the bottom so it didn't get soggy in the juices draining out).

> Midnight - On the cooker set at 225 degrees.  This means my cooker will run at about 200-205 at the grate.

> 8AM - Internal temp is at 149.  Kick up the cooker to 250, which means it will be running between 220-235.

> 11AM - Cooker at 232.  IT is at 156.  Mopped.

Waiting out the stall right now.  Getting a tad nervous.  I gained 7 degrees in 3 hours.  I want this done by 4pm so that it can rest for 2 hours and eat at 6pm. 

I will make a decision at Noon.  I might have to plug in the Auber and take the Jack Daniels #3 up to 250 degrees to power through the stall.


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Auber is connected.  punched the pit temp up to 250.

Been watching Pit Masters on TV.  Got a few tricks up my sleeve now.

I've actually had the itch to get a stick burner (in addition to my #3).  Sometimes I just want to spend a day drinking beer and tending a fire. 
Almost 8 hours in, and the #1 is showing 176, with #2 gaining ground at 170!  Who'll get it done first??! 

Gonna try something new this time with one of the butts.  It's for the office, so instead of pulling it and then packing it, I'm going to vacuum pack it whole.  That way, I can thaw it and reheat it in a crock pot on BBQ day.  When hot, I'll pull it before serving.  I'm thinking this will preserve more moistness, since it tends to dry faster once it's pulled.  Any thoughts on this idea??
I think it sounds like a great plan.  The downside of that is the time it's going to take to reheat that for the office.  It's going to take a while.

I'm 12.5 hours into my cook and I'm still at 160 IT.  I've gained 12 degrees in the last 3.5 hours.  I just kicked the auber up to 270 to try to power through this stall. 

THAT is why I love my auber.  It gives me the flexibility I had when cooking on a stick burner.  And 270 degrees is still a very respectable temp to bbq at.
Gotta love the Auber! I just kicked the #2 up to 240.  I should be done by supper time.

Reheating in the crock doesn't take as long as you might think.  I'll thaw it in the fridge for a few days, then into the crock with a little apple juice at 7 am.  By noon, it will be plenty hot to pull.  I reheat ribs and already-pulled pork like this a lot.  Works well!  This is just the first time trying a whole butt.
Tony, I don't mean to burst your bubble, but we all own a SI unit.  That alone makes us all WINNERS.
1:30 and im getting through that stall.  I just hit 170 IT.  Hope I don't hit another one.  With the pit ar 270, I should be able to muscle this thing up to 195 by 5pm.
10 hours in, and the #1 is at 183, #2 at 182 - it's a dead heat!  I seem to be through both stalls, but like you said, Rick - hope there's not another! :o  These Sam's butts are pretty consistent, for me, at 1 to 1 1/2 hours per pound, so I should be on schedule!  Smells SO GOOD!
2:40pm and I have a 181 IT.  14 hrs and 40 min into it. 

I think im gonna be okay.  Thankful for the auber to plow through this.  Now im racing a line of thunderstorms headed toward me.

I, too, have found Sam's shoulders pretty consistent.  Mine came from a Wal-Mart neighborhood market.

3:30 - I backed down my pit to 250 degrees when my IT hit 187.

4:00 - IT is 194. Going to try to take it to 198 and back down the cooker to 150 and hold until dinner at 6pm.
Sounds like a winner, Rick!  The #1's at 194, and the #2's at 189.  Looks like the ol' faithful #1 just pull out a win!  To be fair, though, the #2 had a 1/2 pound more pork to smoke, so it looks pretty even, considering! ;)  Either way, I'm thrilled with the performance all around!! ;D  I'm going to break with tradition on this smoke, and pull them at 195.  I used to remove/wrap at 195, but started going to 199 (not sure why).  The results at 195 were perfect, so I thought I'd try it again.  Cuts out a little time! ;)
Hey Tony, are you wrapping the pork butt at 195 and then pulling it after it sits for awhile as the juices settle?

Rick, by dropping the temp down to 140 ans holding at that temp, do you plan on pulling once you remove from the smoker, or do you have to let it sit for awhile? Is this the same method as wrapping it?
Yep.  Wrap & rest, per Standard Operating Procedures.  lol.  Took out the #1 butt 15 minutes ago @ 196 - in the cooler now.  #2 is still at 192, so a little longer.  The #1 butt took 12:20 total time, so about 1 1/4 hours per pound. 

Sorry - no pics of the wrap out of the smoker - the flys were thick!  I'll get some when I unwrap it!
Just pulled/wrapped #2!  Man, it was so tender, I couldn't hardly get it onto the foil in one piece!  I'm thinking this is going to be too good to take to the office mates!  Hahaha! ;D ;D
Smokster said:
Rick, by dropping the temp down to 140 ans holding at that temp, do you plan on pulling once you remove from the smoker, or do you have to let it sit for awhile? Is this the same method as wrapping it?

Standard Operating Procedure is to pull it at 199, wrap in saran wrap, then foil, then into a cooler for 2-4 hours.

Since I knew I was only going to have to hold it for 30-60 minutes, I was going to let it sit in the cooker at 140 instead of the wrap. 

But I changed my plan...  The thunderstorm just rolled in.

I just pulled it from the cooker.  I was still running at 250 degrees in the pit.  My IT was 196 and 199 (had my maverick and my auber in there).  I removed the butt, put a little butter on it, my mop/injection on top, topped with a little rub and extra brown sugar.  Double wrapped it in foil and resting in the cooller for 30 minutes.  I will put it out after 30, let it cool for 15 more, and get it ready for the table.


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game, set, match.


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Oh my, Rick!  Hats-off to your pre-wrap routine!!  Great idea!  I never thought about treating before wrapping!

I just finished dinner with the #1's butt.  It was moist and tender, and flavorful!  All in all, a success!  The butt from #2 was vacuum packed for later this week.  I could not pack it whole, as planned - just too darn tender!  So, I packed it in big chunks, instead of pulled.  The 9 lb 13 oz butt yielded 5 lbs 13 oz of pullable meat, so about a 60% yield.  I'm good with that, and is a nice point of reference for the future.  Somehow, I never thought about measuring this before! 


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